Newbie from Tri 1 ...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
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Will be 13 weeks tomorrow so thought I'd say hi :D I am pregnant with our first baby after 2 years TTC and clomid :D Still feeling sick most of the day, and very bloated / full of gas by evening time (lovely ... ). Am hoping the sickness will wear off very soon so I can start to really enjoy being pregnant!! No other symptoms so far ...

Had our 12 week and nuchal scan last week and all fine - looking forward to the next scan which seems ages away (although our consultant may do another one at 16 weeks).

Look forward to hanging out here for a while :wave:
:hug: hello :wave: and welcome..... :hug:
I just slide over to this section myself last week.....I hope your sickness eases off soon.... Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
fynemum said:
:hug: hello :wave: and welcome..... :hug:
I just slide over to this section myself last week.....I hope your sickness eases off soon.... Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

Thanks for the welcome - feels a bit strange moving to a new section!!
Hello and welcome to Tri2! :hug:

Hope your morning sickness goes away soon.

Enjoy your stay here! :dance:
:wave: Hi Hunnie, Good to see you again. Im a first timer too and had been ttc for 18 months after a missed miscarriage in April 05 but im feeling positive now im in second tri :cheer: Hope your sickness stops soon, I still get it when I brush my teeth in morning! :puke:
welcome :wave:
hope the sickenss wears off soon for you, its good when it does,you can realy start to enjoy being pregnant then :)
oh dear. morning sickness is horrid isnt it. i still get the occasional pang :(

hope it goes for you soon.

enjoy your time in tri 2 :D
Welcome to tri 2. You'll find it all gets exciting from here especially when you start feeling baby moving and kicking :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
this part has been my favorite so-far, its all new and exciting xxxxxxx
Thanks for the continuing welcomes - lots of love here :D

I think the all day nausea may be finally starting to ease off - yesterday I felt almost 'normal' again for most of the day - first time in a long time!!

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