Newbie who needs help!


New Member
Aug 29, 2011
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Hi, I am new to the PF and just needed some advice from all of you experts out there.

First m/c was July-2010. Went through extensive testing to reveal DOR, was not a candidate for IVF Apr-2011. However, I refused to give up so I have been tracking BBT, etc. I should note that my period is every 27 days like clockwork.

AF is 6 days late and I have symptoms that might indicate PG: no energy, tired, changes in nipples, food aversions, sensitive to smells, sensitive breasts, a little grouchy. BFN 4 days past AF was due. :af:

What is my next step? When should I test again? I realize that my chances of a BFP are slim, but I don't have any other explanation.

Also, I'm not from the UK, is it OK to be involved in the PF? It is the best one I have found online.
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hi there:wave:
in the same boat tho less symptoms than you i got really tender and sore boobs on and off cramps and a bloaty belly still no bfp, next step test in a few more days if no show get a doctors test done. and as for slim chances dont believe in them. my first child i was told i couldnt concieve as my reproductive system had shut down due to being underweight. my second i had pcos was about to go on clomid but fell preg just before i have lost 2 angels but still went on to have my happy healthy son. so theres always a chance hun xx
I don't really have an answer to your questions, but wanted to welcome you to PF! I am Canadian and live in Canada, but joined PF because this forum is soooo much better than any others I found. Good luck, and I hope you have a little one on the way! Xx
Thanks, My heart can only take so many BFNs.
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Hello and welcome! :wave:

Yep you don't have to be from the UK to be here :)

I can't answer your question but I gather it's quite normal after a m/c for periods to be messed up for a few months.

Hopefully it's better news than that tho - especially if your symptoms are unusual for you!


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