Noooooo my computer has died :0(


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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My computer has died. I'm so upset :(
It is 6 years old but even so! I've got to share OH's until we can afford a new one, whenever that will be.
Lost all my graphic software programs and am in the middle of building a website for a new client.
Thankfully I've backed up most of my work but have lost some :x Gonna have to spend the next few weeks installing everything on OH's machine.
Fingers crossed I can find the disks to all my software :roll:

Its going to be weird sharing one! As we both work in computers we've always needed our own.
Got to go, OH's got some work to do. It's started already! :lol: :lol:
lol. me and OH have our own laptops, i would be lost without mine.

Alice even has one (but its stupidly old and doesn't work - she just pretends to type on it).

do you know why it has died - can you not just replace the parts that have gone? Ive lost count of the amount of hard drives ive blow up over the years :oops: :rotfl: blooming things don't like me.
We have an old laptop we're saving for Dan! :) You can just about run a low graphics game on it. I could use it to surf the internet but that's about it!

No its def died :x It has been for nearly a year but OH has managed to fix it everytime. It broke about a week ago. Spent ages trying to get things off it, installing a new OS, re-formatted etc. But no. OH is a computer geek so I know if he can't fix it no-one can! I have managed to save a few bits like my drivers, but hey hoo, guess its time I moved onto XP, I still used windows 2000 :lol:
I feel for you! My laptop dies too yesterday. It turned off, won't reboot windows & displayed the blue screen of death :(

It's gutting to lose your stuff isn't it!

Most of mine was backed to an external hardrive so not too bad.

DH has ordered me anew hardrive so we are going to swap them over & try & retrieve the data from the old one :pray: Hope it works!

Luckily DH has a laptop & so the twins have just had one each for their birthday so I can get my uni work done!

Good luck with it all :hug:
ah the blue screen of death! :lol: I had that too last week! :x
I had backed up most of my work onto OH's machine but not the recent stuff :oops: Its my own fault, working in computers I should know better. Ordered an external hard drive last night aswell :cheer: I would be gutted if I lost all the websites I have built, but devastated if I lost all Dan's videos and pictures.

Good luck with the swap over hun, I hope you retrieve everything :D
(My OH once re-formatted the wrong drive on my machine and wiped all my work. Luckily we found a program that recovered most of it!)
Thanks, he's just trying to get some programmes downloaded now. Fingers crossed! :)
i feel for yuo :(

my wireless wont work this morning and i have no idea why...iv stole dads PC :(

Gonna try and fine another way to get on i wanna be in bed lol

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