Not really sure where to post this...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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Hi, I'm new to the forum so i didn't know where to post this really.

My husband and I decided the wednesday before last (27th) we would try for a baby and I came off the pill after 7 days of that pack. Stupid, I know, but I didn't know that until I had a lovely painful 'period'. Anyway, I decided this wednesday that even though I really want a baby, that I'm only 18 and my husband's only 21, both currently unemployed because I started uni but then dropped out so we're moving back home, and we're just really not in a good place right now to have a baby.

Anyway, to get to the point... I decided I ought to check if I'm pregnant if I'm gonna be on the pill again. I started the pill again on wednesday, and I took a test yesterday morning. It didn't get the 2nd line, so I threw it straight in the bin, but I looked at it again today and the top of the 2nd line is there. Do you think I should test again? Or has the dye from the other line somehow leaked? I know it was too early to test, but if that pregnancy test had stayed there I'd have gone crazy from needing to know...

I want a baby so much... But I know I shouldn't have one yet... *sigh*


[EDIT] Oh, and if this isn't the right place for this post, admins feel free to move it
Sounds like it was an evaporation line to me hun, where after the time limit the urine evaporates and causes the 2nd line to partially appear.

If you only had a period less than two weeks ago and that was a period due to coming off the pill then its unlikely you would be pregnant.
You may probably only just be ovulating now (if you ARE actually ovulating, some women take months to ovulate after being on the pill.)

And if you have had unprotected sex since the period two weeks ago then a pregnancy test would not show up ++++++ until a couple of weeks yet and thats if you have already ovulated if your with me?

Id use another form of contraception such as condoms until the end of this cycle, check to see if you are pregnant with a test and then if not go back on the pill. If you have fallen pregnant then you would have been extremely lucky!!! (Or unlucky which ever way you take it!)

Having a baby is a HUGE life changing decision and not something to be taken lightly. I think you ought to have a really good chat with your OH regarding the issue. Everyone gets broody at some time and it sounds to me from what you put in your post you like the 'idea' of having a baby but the practicalities of it aren't ideal.

Whatever you decide to do best of luck, keep us informed as to what you decide to do :hug:
Hi hun

I agree with JaidyBaby i dont think you are but use other protection for now. I got pregnant at 18 while on the birth control pills and it was a huge shock and so life changing we were already moved out of my dads but i was always drinking and going out then realized i couldnt do anything liek before. I think you should really talk it over and discuss if your really ready to try and conceive good luck for whatever you decide hun :hug:
Ok, thanks guys. Just a bit of the ol' paranoia then ^_^; :wall: Evapouration line... Never heard of that before. I knew it was incredibly unlikely. Ah, I'll go enjoy the rest of my migraine now (yeah, sucky). You guys prob wont see me around here again for a few years then. lol :wave:

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