November 2021 due dates

I have no idea she didn't give me a date just said I'm bang on 11 weeks today I suppose it could change at 12 week scan maybe cos baby has grown so much in 3 weeks from last scan xx

Oh i suppose it could yeah x
I'm going to pop in here if that's OK because there's no other due date threads! I won't be due until January but I need to talk pregnancy because I'm not ready to tell anyone in 'real life' for a few weeks.

First question I have is how do I date my pregnancy. Ideally I want to get a private scan done before we go away with my mum during half term so that I can tell her and show her the scan. Do I count from my last AF or from my ovulation date as I'm only 14dpo today but last period makes me 4 weeks and 5 days. I know it's not much but I want to see as much as possible on the scan and don't know when is best to book :cheer:
I'm going to pop in here if that's OK because there's no other due date threads! I won't be due until January but I need to talk pregnancy because I'm not ready to tell anyone in 'real life' for a few weeks.

First question I have is how do I date my pregnancy. Ideally I want to get a private scan done before we go away with my mum during half term so that I can tell her and show her the scan. Do I count from my last AF or from my ovulation date as I'm only 14dpo today but last period makes me 4 weeks and 5 days. I know it's not much but I want to see as much as possible on the scan and don't know when is best to book :cheer:

Hi @Shan92 congratulations again! I counted ovulation day as conception date. I’ve just done a quick one for you based on ovulation being 22/4 and it gave a due date of 13/1 if that helps?

As for private scans the clinics near me offer from 7 weeks minimum as they do not offer transvaginal scans where I am. This does seem to vary massively so worth a look as can see a heartbeat from 6 weeks TV. Xx
I'm going to pop in here if that's OK because there's no other due date threads! I won't be due until January but I need to talk pregnancy because I'm not ready to tell anyone in 'real life' for a few weeks.

First question I have is how do I date my pregnancy. Ideally I want to get a private scan done before we go away with my mum during half term so that I can tell her and show her the scan. Do I count from my last AF or from my ovulation date as I'm only 14dpo today but last period makes me 4 weeks and 5 days. I know it's not much but I want to see as much as possible on the scan and don't know when is best to book :cheer:

when I was pregnant with my daughter I booked for when I thought I was 9 weeks as i knew I’d definitely be able to see the heartbeat and see more of baby, turned out I was actually 11 weeks! Going to do the same with this one and wait till 9 weeks! Xx
Congratulations shan it's nice to have more cos our thread is pretty quiet I just hope the girls that are on this thread are just too busy with every day life and that their pregnancy is still going well
They count it from the first day of your last period as to how many weeks you are, you will be able to see a heart beat from 7 weeks so it's totally down to you when you would want to book a scan but it's usually from the 7 weeks mark that they tell you to do it from I had a scan at 7 weeks and it's just a blob I'll post it so you can see so all you see is a blob and then a beating heart it's very weird but amazing to see, I had anothrr scan yesterday as was having worries over it which was 3 weeks later to my last scan and they have actually pushed me forward to 11 weeks instead of 10 weeks as baby grows sooooo much in the first 12 weeks I have my 12 weeks scan in 2 weeks time so be interesting to see if they measure me at 13 weeks or push me back or forward again, how are you feeling? Xx

Congratulations shan it's nice to have more cos our thread is pretty quiet I just hope the girls that are on this thread are just too busy with every day life and that their pregnancy is still going well
They count it from the first day of your last period as to how many weeks you are, you will be able to see a heart beat from 7 weeks so it's totally down to you when you would want to book a scan but it's usually from the 7 weeks mark that they tell you to do it from I had a scan at 7 weeks and it's just a blob I'll post it so you can see so all you see is a blob and then a beating heart it's very weird but amazing to see, I had anothrr scan yesterday as was having worries over it which was 3 weeks later to my last scan and they have actually pushed me forward to 11 weeks instead of 10 weeks as baby grows sooooo much in the first 12 weeks I have my 12 weeks scan in 2 weeks time so be interesting to see if they measure me at 13 weeks or push me back or forward again, how are you feeling? Xx

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If I used LMP I would be due on 20/11 way way off I don’t know why they still use this method it’s often in accurate x
Is it really? Mines just a few days out I've just counted lol my last period was 20th Feb xx
Is it really? Mines just a few days out I've just counted lol my last period was 20th Feb xx

Yeah! My last period was 13th feb. Even yourself is out by a few days isn’t it. I think if the woman knows her cycle and ovulation day from tracking or assisted fertility that due date should be 10000% used instead as it will be the most accurate. X
My last period was the 31/01/21 but I’m only about 6 weeks pregnant :rotfl: I couldn’t get through to the midwifes to explain that I’m not regular and had an op down there on 10th March and only able to have sex.. painfully... just under 4 weeks after and that’s when we must of conceived! So had to do an online self referral.. They soon rang me like you can’t be 6 weeks :rotfl: xxx
I have absolutely no idea when I ovulated with us not trying so I wasn't tracking and that's one of reasons I didn't believe I was pregnant or take a test a week after my late period but tmi we are always at it :rotfl: so could of happened any time and I'm even hornier now I'm pregnant he's even said I feel differently :rotfl: sorry girls, I reckon this baby is guna be a big baby tho as Danny's 6ft 5 and I'm just under 5ft 10, my ex is 6ft and willow is as tall as a 5 year old and was only 3 last week xx
I have absolutely no idea when I ovulated with us not trying so I wasn't tracking and that's one of reasons I didn't believe I was pregnant or take a test a week after my late period but tmi we are always at it :rotfl: so could of happened any time and I'm even hornier now I'm pregnant he's even said I feel differently :rotfl: sorry girls, I reckon this baby is guna be a big baby tho as Danny's 6ft 5 and I'm just under 5ft 10, my ex is 6ft and willow is as tall as a 5 year old and was only 3 last week xx

Haha omg well at least there is your answer for your spotting then dirty bird! :rotfl:

Ive gone through phases sometimes I can’t bare to be even within a mile of him then others I’m like :bd: strange! X

Haha omg well at least there is your answer for your spotting then dirty bird! :rotfl:

Ive gone through phases sometimes I can’t bare to be even within a mile of him then others I’m like :bd: strange! X

That's the thing tho I didnt see him all weekend I last had sex wirh him Fri night and the spotting happened Sunday he had his daughter at weekend so I tell him to stay at his so they have proper their own time till we move in properly together and I like to have just me and willow time, it's bad cos I keep thinking I want him now but he's at work till 230 and won't be here till 3 and will have to have a shower cos he will be black bright as he works with coal with my pregnancy with willow I never wanted sex I was like nope keep away from me but this time I'm just ravenous :rotfl: have you been able to be intimate now hun cos I know you was holding off other week? Xx
Iam really really craving a tuna and sweetcorn pizza what I'd do to have one darn you mercury tuna any one else craving stuff your not allowed? Xx
You can have tuna. Just don’t eat it twice in a week is the advice.

Yeah we have no issues either. Waiting for a consultant appointment to voice my concerns about needing a scan for cervical length and not being offered anything x
You can have tuna. Just don’t eat it twice in a week is the advice.

Yeah we have no issues either. Waiting for a consultant appointment to voice my concerns about needing a scan for cervical length and not being offered anything x

Every thing seems to be slower doesnr it since covid but I expect that any ways, hope they don't keep you waiting
Really? It's what I get from local take out and I right could demolish one sooo bad xx
Every thing seems to be slower doesnr it since covid but I expect that any ways, hope they don't keep you waiting
Really? It's what I get from local take out and I right could demolish one sooo bad xx

Yeah you can eat tuna hun! The community midwife has said that my lletz procedure won’t cause any issues but I’ve literally still got all the paperwork that says it does so I’m gonna take that in with me x
Yeah you can eat tuna hun! The community midwife has said that my lletz procedure won’t cause any issues but I’ve literally still got all the paperwork that says it does so I’m gonna take that in with me x

I'm so guna have one now if Danny will let me haha he checks everything before I eat it drives me bonkers,
Yeah I'd deffo do that and then you'll certainly know for sure xx
Forgot to ask how's hubby been? Has he started helping more? Xx

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