october mums lets try again

Looks like Im trying sex when DH gets home. *bleh* but anything to get baby out or at least on her due date.
I predict 4th Nov, really do think I'm gonna go overdue :( x x
6 and I was the first one due in OCT :wall2:

I'm gonna be last!!!!

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I hope so I'm 41 weeks now and my pregnancy is already classed as high risk lol!

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I had my baby on Wednesday :lol: Here's the story...

am Tuesday waters broke
cramping every 10 mins
8pm Tuesday first contracation
1am went to hospital (3-4cm dilated)
7am 7cm dilated (everything looking good)
started getting a lot of pain in pelvis, had mobile epidural but didn't go well and after a couple of hours my left leg went to sleep (!)
No progress and pain in pelvis kept increasing
3 or 4 pm drs decide to try and get things moving - I had to push during normal contractions as they needed baby to turn (he had been the correct way around whilst pregnant but must have rotated after water's broke!)
Nothing happened just by pushing, so they tried the ventouse (vacuum) - most unpleasant, painful thing ever.
That didn't work, so went for emergency c-section.
Baby came out OK, cried straight away, so that was good.
They couldn't get my uterus to contract and I lost about 1.5 litres of blood (~3pints (?)), so ended up on the operating table for almost 2 hours. Epidural wore off, so had to tell them to stop (!). Threw up twice due to loss of blood and light-headedness (very hard to do when horizontal on your back).
Spent 12 hrs in recovery as they tried to get all my levels back to normal etc.
Saw the baby briefly during the c-section then 18hrs later after I made it to the maternity ward. Baby was on children's ward as we both picked up an infection, probably due to my water's breaking early.
Hopefully we'll be out of hospital on Monday, if the infection has gone by then.
Because of the antibiotics, he is being fed through a tube but we're trying to get him to suckle (and I'm pumping) to get my milk to come in at the same time, so he associates food with boob!

Anyway, baby Jacob was born at 15:10, 13/10/10, weighing 7lbs11oz.
Omg, congratulations!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you had a tough time, glad your both slowly on the mend though! Well done to you xx
Oh sweetie! That sounds awful!! Congrats on your little boy though x x
Oh my goodness Hun, what a labour and delivery you had , hope your feeling better in yourself,, they must have had to give you blood after , sounds like you lost loads. Glad you and Jacob doing well, and keep going with the pumping and once that tubes out you can establish the feeding , well done you , congrats X
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Congratulations!!! What a time of it you had! x hope you're ok x
I'm booked for induction Tuesday woot! Xx

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