Officially Overdue :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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So as the title says I am officially overdue, I know lots of you lovely ladies are too and this definately helps knowing I'm not on my own, ofcourse I had convinced myself that I would be early this time (son number one Beau was on due date) but no, not meant to be, I have been having some periody cramps and diarreah(tmi) and very strong BH, but nothing looking like labor, havn't even lost my mucus plug yet and I did with my first son 5 days before. So I'm off to midwife today and she says I can have a sweep!!! but my last one was so painful, 4 yrs on I still remember how bad it was, so am gonna decide last min, when am in with her, will let you know, thats it........just wanted to tell you all where I'm at.
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Awww no huni sorry to hear you went over, yesterday was my birthday so your bubs was due on my big day :). Why dont you ask the midwife to check your cervix for dilation and effacement first - I have heard that if you are 1cm dilated and/or not very effaced the sweeps hurt ALOT more. So if you dont want to go through the pain of it then findin out what way your cervix is beforehand could avoid you feelin as much discomfort. Did your sweep work with your last LO?

Whens your appointment? Let us know how you get on. I have midwife today also and going to say to her about at sweep at 40 weeks if my little roo hasnt made an appearance by then and hopefully she agrees; the way our doctors works is you have to organise a sweep the week before :( so if she says no today I could have to wait til like 41 weeks before I even get a sweep if I go over (which Im sure I will). What is with all these April babies bein late eh!? xxxx
Snap, I'm one day over too, but now I want to cry as you think its nothing but have all those symptoms I wish I did! Lol I must be waaayyy off labour as apart from feeling heavy I am fine :( Xx
Thanks for the sweep advise Nicole, I will definately get her to check me first, with my last sweep it didn't send me into labor, but I lost my mucus plug day after, but it was the consultant that did it and I bled for an hr after and had to be put on monitor in labor ward before I could go home.....just think I had a bad experience. My appt today s 10:30 and my husband will be with me.
Kayelle I had noticed we are due the same day, dont be too jealous of my symptoms, I didn't have these with my first and labor just started one afternoon and 10hrs later my son was born, this time I feel like the pretend symptoms mess with your head I .....arnt I ........arnt driving myself to distraction!!
I have booked an accupunture session for sat, as my friend swears by it, so if I get there I can be a guinea pig for that and we can see wether it's a goer :)

Ok better get ready for this appt........ahhhhh
Thanks , that made me feel better :)
Good luck today! Excited for you x x
Well she swept me! was ok actually, it hurt but nowhere near as bad as last time, she said I was 1cm which is prob because its not my first baba and I am 50% effaced, still some way to go! I feel bit flat, induction would be a week on monday, soooo dont want to be induced, but will have to take it on the chin.
Going to asda to buy a bouncy ball this afternoon, will try and bounce him

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