Ok quick question...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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When your waters break, is there loads? I think this is the only thing that I'm concerned about. Lol. Thanking you in advance.xx
It differs from person to person. I had my waters broken during labour and nothing came out lol.
I also had my waters broken and there was a bit of a gush (tmi) but not loads I think.
I don't think I'd mind if they got broken at hospital. My fear is sitting in the car or on the sofa lol. Especially as hubby has a company car lol!x
Maygbe nearer the time just put a towel under your seat just incase lol!
Haha yeh either that or wear big granny incontinence pants?! :)
You know, by the time you get to the end you might find you want to wear panty liners or pads anyway (something to look forward to there lol) so if you start out just leaking it should be fine anyway.

Althought, only roughly 10% of women have their waters break before labour beings so usually youll either be in hospital or in labour so youll be a bit more prepared :)
My waters went when I was on the ward after having the gel during the day. The broke at 4 in the morning, it felt like a big sore kick and a snapping sound (like an elstic band) but I was lying down at the time and nothing came out...until I went to move position a few.minutes later and they just gushed right out!!

I ended up kneeling up on the bed and they just kept coming! I was induced for.excess waters though so.they knew there was gonna be loads x

After that i was contracting on my own, and waters came out with every contraction, so they put a big absorption pad thingy on the bed and I just wore massive big pads they gave me x

Nobody is the same though, one of my brothers was born in the sac! X

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When I thought my waters had broke and they checked it was my hind waters Which were thick gloopy clear liquid. When they broke my actual waters it looked more like clear water. Not as gloopy a lot thinner xx
There was a tsunami in my hospital room, but i did have known excessive water, my bump was massive and only half was baby. I was abnormal though.

You'll be so happy when they do go that it wont matter, also the water does get less towards 40 weeks (not in my case)!
I can't remember there being loads. They broke just as I got onto the ward right at the end of labour. xx
with both my girls they broke at home.. only a trickle both times was able to make it to the toilet to put a pad on without making too much mess lol!
Thanks everyone. :) I dont mind if it happens at hospital and hopefully won't be too messy if its at home/elsewhere. Fingers crossed! x
Both times mine have woken me up in bed with a pop! Last time it was a comedy gush, this time I was like a running tap and looked like I'd wet myself by the time I got to hospital, even with pads on, I would def have a towel ready in the car somewhere for the seat!
Mine went at home, it wasn't a big gush but I had to change pads every 5mins and they were soaked through(didn't help that they were thin ones) It didn't take long to stop though xx
mine broke when i was in the bathroom. didnt feel anything, just thought i had wet myself a little! but then i went back to bed as i didnt have any pain at that point. when i turned over the rest came and there was a fair amount on the sheets. but i think they do vary from person to person. i needed a few pads to catch it all.

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