OMG!!!!! My story!

Thanks everyone!

Telling my parents was brilliant! Me and my husband were sitting casually in the lounge with them and I said "Have you thought of any plans for July next year?" My mum said "well we were thinking about a holiday."
So I then said " Me and husband were thinking, how about being grandparents instead?"

My mum screeched, hugged me and cried all at the same time! My dad was thrilled and kept hugging me and singing a song called "theres no one quite like grandma!"

Of course this was all followed by my dad and husbands manly handshake and pats on the back!

Can't wait to tell my brother and his gf - going away with them next weekend in a villa so going to have the compulsary who gets the biggest bedroom argument and i'm going to say "I think me and husband should get the biggest room as theres 3 of us!"
awe thats awesome! brillaint ways to break the news hun :) xxxxx
What a lovely story honey. Very pleased for you! I have been telling close family too, it's a great feeling isn't it!! Massive congrats on your bfp x

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