One magpie and bad signs... I'm going mad!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi, I know this sounds absolutely stupid... But I keep seeing things that I feel are bad signs!
For example, I'm driving along an I see a magpie alone. Doesn't sound too dreadful does it, except I keep thinking 'what if it's a bad omen?' ie one for sorrow, two for joy etc etc!
Then I see White feathers everywhere that I go- again, not dradful is it. Except I have herd the whole White angel / death thing!

Usually I am no way near as crazy as I am being right now! I can't stop wondering if things are signs that this will be my 3rd mmc!

Is anyone else as crazy as me, or am I alone with my stupidity? If I am alone, has anyone got any advice on ways to stop this stupid behaviour!
I know it easily said but try not to worry :hugs:

I'm the same, things keep happening that happened last MC and i keep thinking they are signs :(

Just remember you had a good scan :) and not long to wait till next one :)
So I'm not completely mad then! Ha ha!

I will know one way or the other next week won't I!
I wonder if anyone else is the same as us. Xxx
If you are mad then i'm bonkers :)

I'm sure other ladies that have gone through MC are the same :hugs: xxx
I was dead sure this pregnancy wasnt to be, so paranoid. Its normal to worry, I still do
How far along are you Knopk@? I take it you felt nervous too!?
It does make me feel better to know others go through these thoughts! Xxx
How far along are you Knopk@? I take it you felt nervous too!?
It does make me feel better to know others go through these thoughts! Xxx
I am over 37 weeks but trust me, I still worry - I used to shake my tummy to make him move so I can get reassurance.

First trimester was terryfying, didt help that I had spotting. I am told you dont stop worrying once they are here too.

Its nerve wrecking and hard but you will get there, I am sure
Its defo true- you always worry. Is this your first? I have a 3 year old also (soon to be 4) and I do still worry! I think that's normal!
I always useful see one magpie when I got pregnant this time and I would freak out!


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