Ovulation Pain


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Jun 8, 2012
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For the past few months I have been suffering with ovulation pain that seems to last for about 2-3 weeks before my period starts. It can be extremely uncomfortable and is always on my right side? Is this normal as I was under the impression I should ovulate from both sides? The pain is much worse when I'm sitting and can feel like a lot of pressure from inside - almost like something is about to pop! Has anyone else experienced this?
Hiya hun.. that sounds really uncomfortable & annoying :( sorry to hear you have to experience that every month... are you sure it's ovulation pain? It seems like a long period of time to have Ov pain (usually that would last a day or two). Have you spoke to your GP about it? If the majority of the month you experience pain it may be an idea for you to get it checked out and get a professional opinion. Hope you get some answers soon xx
I have had ov pains for the last 5 days - ad yesterday and today have positive ovulation tests and it is much worse! like you say lots of pressure inside and mine is mainly on the left side, but the right also is a bit sore.

You could get checked out by the gp and see if they say everything is ok, but if you look on the net about ov pain some women experience it and some do not - but 2-3 weeks is a long time to be in such discomfort each cycle.
i get ov pain and it can be either side or both sides this varies from month to month but never lasts more than a few days i would go see ur gp cos for it to last a few weeks is not right i have never heard of it lasting that long before, i think u should get checked out xxx
I would get a scan booked in with your doc, as ovulation pain shouldn't really be that length of time (of course I am no doctor, but been experiencing all sorts of gynae issues over the years so had a lot of feedback from my gynae and RE). Best to check for a little cyst or something like that. I have one, the doc just keeps an eye on from time to time. Also, sometimes our bodies just cause random pain and theres nothing going on at all! Strange female things we have to deal with! x
sounds like endometriosis hun ( at a guess ) not ovulation pain as its not supposed to be so painful or PCOS? i would go get checked out sweety xxxxxxx
Thanks for the advice everyone! Im goin to make a doctors appointment and see what they say! Ive only experienced this since coming off the pill and assumed it was because of that .
sounds like endometriosis hun ( at a guess ) not ovulation pain as its not supposed to be so painful or PCOS? i would go get checked out sweety xxxxxxx

I was gonna say maybe endometriosis, I have suspected endometriosis and it sound similar, it only started in November out of the blue, and has gradually gotten worse, I would go to ur docs and see if they can do some tests xxx
I went to the doctors yesterday and am being sent for a pelvic ultrasound so will see what they say then. It's not exactly painful just more uncomfortable like a stitch type pain really. Hope that makes sense?!
It may not be endometriosis and it is different for everyone, so what happens to me, may not be the same for you and tou may not even have it. Mine started as just being uncomfortable throughout my cycle, with slight period pains without any period. After a couple of months it definately became cyclical with waves of pain coming and going for about 2-3 days after my period, but now It is very painful every month, i was convinced it was my appendix at first because it is on my right side where my appendix is. I was referred for an ultrasound, they can't diagnose endometriosis with an ultrasound, it is just to check for any cysts, or damage. I have had no other symptoms than pain and throwing up occasionally, and the docs have advised us to TTC ASAP as all they would treat it by stopping my periods, I am just on painkillers at the mo until we get our bfp, fxd. I hope I don't scare you, but thought I should be honest, and you may not even have this. Hope all goes well at your ultrasound and hopefully it is just due to coming off your pill xxx
No, not all. I'm glad I'm getting some ideas of what it may be. I'm just hoping its not something that will stop me from conceiving. If it is simply from coming off the pill, I'm never going back on it!!

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