ovulation tests?!?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Hi everyone. i just wondering what ovulation tests you all use?

for the 1st time i brough some off of ebay from someone called
my cycles are really irratic so i started testing for like... 3rd November, still no littel red line has appeared. i have never been over 35days (and although that still leaves 2morrow).... i was wondering if they work???

had anyone else brought these ones before and has sucsess!???

Thank you for Reading x x x

I haven't bought those particular ones but I do buy off ebay. I've been using Fertility Solutions off ebay recently.

Have you used them throughout your cycle this month then?

When I first started using them, I almost gave up but continued through curiosity and discovered that I ovulated at around day 18/19. I got pg the 2nd month of using ov sticks. I would defo recommend you stick with them for now.
ho. Thank you for your replys. i guess i just gotta be patient and give it another week?? tomorrow will be day 20 of my cycle.... and i have been testing since day 11. maybe it will show up 2morrow.... . . . Thank you for your replys.
Hi Tinkerbell,

I used some cheapies for the first time last month. I also have a long cycle (35 - 43 days) that based on the last few I had expected to ovulate around day 23. Well I didn't get a + either and also gave up, thinking that I must be anovulatory.

Then about a week later - CD 32 - I saw EWCM. So did an OPK, but not +. We BD anyway. The next day I tested again and got a definite +. We did not conceive this month but I was also temping and the OPK along with the temps confirmed that I definitely Oed. And, well, we could have conceived.

The point is don't give up. A long cycle is unpredictable. It also turned out that I found from charting that my luteal phase was shorter than I had estimated so that had also thrown my day counting calculations out. Keep testing, and consider charting to confirm ovulation and luteal phase length.

Defo keep testing, I didn't get an + until day 28 of my last 2 cycles.
I'm using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor (CBEFM). It's quite expensive compared to the internet cheapie opks, but it works - and I like the warning of the Highs before the Peaks (it detects the rise in oestrogen before the rise in LH, thus giving you a couple of days' notice). Because I have vestibulodynitis (a problem with the nerve endings) intercourse is very painful - my GP recommended the CBEFM to make the most of whatever we could manage each month.

I have approx 33-day cycles - so far I've ov'ed on CD18 and CD20.

In the interests of research, this month I'm intending to use two different internet cheapie OPKs as well as CBEFM (will start the opks when the CBEFM shifts to high). I've got OPKs from Access Diagnostics (free with Pre-Seed!) and Fertility Plan on eBay. I've used both suppliers before for other things (thermometer/Pre-Seed and HPTs), and both are quick to deliver. Sadly, I'm only on CD6 atm, so you'll have to wait 2 weeks for my report!
I used these and they worked for me;


Well, they put my OV at day 21 and I have a 33day cycle.
I always tested after 4pm and before 8pm and I started around day 12 I think, I can say these ones worked for me :)

I'm about to try some from here;


(The three ***'s above at the end of the link don't work when you click so you'll need to add them to the end of the addy in your web address bar :) )

Very best wishes tinkerbell*

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