pain in hip

Little Miss Joslyn

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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Was just wondering if anyone gets a pain in theie hip? I have been going to the toilet lots today and not sure if the baby is pressing on my bladdar and laying on a nerve but its painful. Im hoping i havent got a kidney infection as it comes and goes but is worse when I need a wee.
Have also been getting bad lower back ache and sometimes cant get up with the pain if i lay on my back! is this normal?
I felt the baby move last noght and it was laying right on my hip so i have answered my own question.
I went to a physiotherapy antenatal class last night and they stressed the importance of correct posture while, standing, sitting, walking and lying. It is really important as it can cause all sorts of painful problems during and after pregnancy.

We were shown the correct way to lie in bed and how to get out of bed. It might be worth checking if there are any classes like this in your area that will show you how to care for back,pelvis and hips. xx
Thanks Nie. Was it good? I have booked myself for an antinatal class but cant go until 25th september. Will check out the phsyiotherapy one though. Have been feeling really tired today and have had this hip pain all day and needing to urinate more. :roll:

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