Pain... what can i do???


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Ok i have put up with this for a few week but now OMG i have just nearly cried walking up the stairs, its agony!!! It wasn't so bad up until just before, i dunno whether thats because i have been walking all day but i had to drag myself up the stairs on all fours! Its a very sharp/aching pain right in the corner of my thigh, right near my bits too if you know where i mean? Its worse when i have sat down for ages, walking up the stairs, turning over in bed or getting up! I am starting to think its not normal now as i was crippled in pain walking up the stairs before, thats not normal! Can anyone give me any advice to ease it a bit? or anyone even know what it is? :cry:
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Aw Hun it's hard to know if it's the same sharp pain I get!! If it is the only thing that shifts it is moving position, it's worse like u said after being lay down or standing up n can take ages to straighten up n get moving again!!

Not long now hun n Lil one will be here x x x
Its really bad when i lift my leg!
I know its not long to go but today i can't help but feel sorry for myself, i am so fed up!
I don't like the last few weeks of pregnancy :( guess thats what i get with having it so easy with no sickness or nothing. xxx
Not sure if it's the same thing I have but I've had it for weeks so told midwife who just put it down to stretching but it sounds similar.

For me it's only on the right side, it's in the kind of crease (like the v area) on the right side of my foof between pubic area an top of my thigh. It's really awful it's a bit like a stitch pain almost an its always there but it's worst getting undressed lifting my right leg to get trousers an knickers off, going up stairs too. Takes my breath away.

I just keep telling myself not too much longer to go... I haven't got any advice to ease it though sorry, if anyone has I'd love to know. Fingers crossed it disappears once our babies arrive xxx

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