Painful sex :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Sorry to bring up a sensitive subject, but did anyone else who had an episiotomy find it really painful to have sex? I'm a bit worried now as it ages since OH and I had sex and I cant bear the pain at the moment. Does it get better? OH has been v patient, but I am worried it will affect our relationship if this carries on much longer.

Feel really embarrassed to bring it up, but just wondered if I'm the only celebate person on the forum at the moment?! :sh

I think this thread sits better in health than 'relationships'?
I had such an easy birth. No stitches or grazes, but i won't have sex!
We tried once since Angel was born when she was 10 weeks old, but i cried so much! I had to stop and kept on apologising as it'd been so long. He keeps having slight digs about not being able to have any more kids as we don't do anything to try.
I feel bad for him. But the reason i won't try again at the mo is coz my depo injection has screwed me up too. So it's just not nice.
I had a c section, and we've only done it once... and my god did it hurt!! Guess thats only from it not being used for 4 months... makes it worse.

Talk to your OH about it, but dont feel bad... there are other things you can do!! :)
I had a c-section last September and was fine having sex by December.
That's when I fell pregnant again :lol:
i had a 2nd degree tear and sex is only just starting to be less painful now.

cos of a sleepless baby in our bed, and the pain too, we aren't actually having much of it anyway so you're not alone there.

but as hertsmummy says, there are other things you can do :wink:

Thank goodness I'm not the only one! I guess there are other things to do :rotfl:
i didnt have any tears this time.. we had sex 2 weeks after and do it all the time it doesnt hurt at all.. but on charl i tore.. and healed naturally.. 1st tiem i had sex at aobut 3 months i tore bk open yawwchh :(
Yep, sex has been painful for me too. Me and OH have only had sex twice since I gave birth and becuase it became quite uncomfortable we had to stop half way through (very frastrating for OH)

TBH becuase it was so painful the first timeround it made me very tense the second time we tried, which would have made it worse.

Plus......the fact that im so shattard most of the time I couldnt give 2 hoots!! Sex or Sleep?? Hummmm SLEEP FOR ME PLEASE!!

T xx
Have you had yourself checked, it might just be still healing , but you may have dodgy stitching
chickadee1976 said:
Have you had yourself checked, it might just be still healing , but you may have dodgy stitching

I havent been to the Drs yet ( v embarrassed!), but will do if it goes on much longer. I was checked by the midwife after 1 week and then GP after 6 weeks and they said it all looked like it had healed up well.
We havent tried yet, its been so long i reckon i've forgotten how lol, but my scar still feels kind of tight although it looks fine from what i can see with a mirror. Luckily OH is a very patient and laid back and I think is suffering from lack of sleep himself so im off the hook :D
Does it hurt generally? Or just when you have sex? I haven't healed properly so I still hurt generally (therefore we haven't had sex). I have just been referred to the consultant who is going to operate on me :( I will have scar tissue removed and be re-stitched.

Definitely get checked and get them to check internally - I was checked by the midwives everytime they visited, but they only ever checked the outside stitches up towards my bum and it is inside where I have the problem. Sorry if that is TMI! :oops:
He keeps having slight digs about not being able to have any more kids as we don't do anything to try.

:? how mean lisa!! If my OH said that Id give him a "magazine" tell him to **** off and go sort himself out :lol: men dont understand do they!

i think we waited 8ish weeks? certain positions definitely still hurt now. ive kinda lost my sex drive a bit after having a baby to? has anyone else experienced this?
Sage said:
He keeps having slight digs about not being able to have any more kids as we don't do anything to try.

:? how mean lisa!! If my OH said that Id give him a "magazine" tell him to **** off and go sort himself out :lol: men dont understand do they!

i think we waited 8ish weeks? certain positions definitely still hurt now. ive kinda lost my sex drive a bit after having a baby to? has anyone else experienced this?

I know. And i'm quite embarrassed about it anyway. I tell him if he's really that desperate to F Off elsewhere!
sass said:
Does it hurt generally? Or just when you have sex? I haven't healed properly so I still hurt generally (therefore we haven't had sex). I have just been referred to the consultant who is going to operate on me :( I will have scar tissue removed and be re-stitched.

Definitely get checked and get them to check internally - I was checked by the midwives everytime they visited, but they only ever checked the outside stitches up towards my bum and it is inside where I have the problem. Sorry if that is TMI! :oops:

It only hurts when we try and have sex!!! Hmm, I think I'll see how it goes and then go to Dr if no improvement after a month. I hope your op goes ok :hug:
Sage said:
He keeps having slight digs about not being able to have any more kids as we don't do anything to try.

:? how mean lisa!! If my OH said that Id give him a "magazine" tell him to **** off and go sort himself out :lol: men dont understand do they!

i think we waited 8ish weeks? certain positions definitely still hurt now. ive kinda lost my sex drive a bit after having a baby to? has anyone else experienced this?

Yep I have the libido of a limp lettuce

I was the same as you. Episiotomy, and painful sex afterwards. I went to see a gynaecologist and I recommend you ask your GP to refer you. They know much more what they're talking about.

I must admit, it is still a bit painful now and my LO is 10 months old, but it has definitely got better.

I also get referred to post-natal physio (for pelvic floor) and since doing those religiously that has also helped.


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