part time?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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If i decided i wanted to go part time (3 days a week instead of 5) for the rest of my pregnancy (until i start maternity leave at the end of Dec)... would it affect my maternity pay/allowed maternity time off?/?
You MAT pay is determined on your wage around the 25w mark so if you cut down later then it wouldn't make a difference :dance:

Good luck though- my boss is a tw*t and wouldn't let me even though he had said earlier he would :x
at the moment i am just feeling so knackered... only on my 2nd day of the week and already i can't concentrate... i just thought it may be a good idea if i rested more..... as it seems my weekends are always packed also.. so never any time really to have a good rest... i haven't discussed it with my DH yet.. i just wondered thats all as i didn't want to lose any rights to maternity pay if i did....
I am exactly the same- I need to have a 2hour snooze whenever possible at the weekend but we have things planned every weekend up til the middle of November.

I thought if I went part time about 30w it would make things better and I would be more efficient at work when I was there but my boss is an exceptional pain- I will be looking for something else when my MAT leave is up...
are you gonna go back full time or part time? i would contact citizens advise.. and see what they say.. my cousins gf took mat leave a week early..and she isnt entitled to her mat pay..shocking really!
The earliest you can start MAT leave is 29w I think

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