Periods when on the pill


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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I've been taking the combined pill for 3 months now. The first and second months my periods came during the seven-day break exactly two days after the last pill. This time I'm starting to be a bit concerned because it's been 5 days since I took the last pill before the break and I'm still waiting for my periods... did it happen to any of you to have to wait for so long?
Can I ask how/why you went back on the pill so quickly after giving birth?

My GP won't put me on the pill till after my 6 week check and then if breastfeeding only when my periods have returned to normal(ish) ie, a couple of months of them. He discussed other methods and said they were more preferable at least for now. TBH I wasn't keen to go back on the pill anyways as we are considering trying for another baby at the end of the year and I want to know what my body is doing rather than having it masked by drugs.
I was prescribed the combined pill when I had the 6-week check as I had completely stopped breastfeeding by then. The doctor insisted on the coil but I didn't want it, never had any trouble with the pill in the past so no reason to change. No other method of contraception appealed to me so I had to make a choice :?
Good luck for the next baby :wink:
I used to take the pill before i got pregnant with Lola. My periods were always regular apart from the time i got pregnant (i got pregnant on the pill).

I wouldn't start taking the next packet unless your period has started or before taking a pregnancy test just to be sure :hug: :hug:
Lola's Mummy said:
I wouldn't start taking the next packet unless your period has started or before taking a pregnancy test just to be sure :hug: :hug:

That scared me so much that it caused my periods to arrive :dance:

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