

Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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So tonight I'm trying Isla with a pillow as she's got a cough and it should prop her up a bit. I'm also using a blanket instead of a sleepbag.

Anyone else using a pillow yet? I'm so scared!
Emma x

havent used one yet! in italy they use them from a few months old, marleys had a few in sets as presents ;o but i refused to use them lol! im sure she will be fine, hope it helps with the cold!!! xx let us know
I literally checked on Paige every 10 minutes the first night I gave her a pillow and even now (this was about a month ago lol) I still check more regularly than I did before.

She'll be fine :) Bet she looks all grown up in her cot now!
I just removed it!!!! Stupid me x

Tegan still doesn't have a pillow im too scared! tonight she's in a sleeping with a thin blanket over her, its freezing in her room x
Lizzie has a pillow underneath her mattress to prop it up, I daren't put it in the cot yet cos she sleeps on her face.
Isla sleeps on her face too. I hate it!!

Charley's got a sore bum ATM so hes been sleeping face down with his bum in the air. There's no way he's ready for a pillow.
Hope isla's cold goes soon x x
Noa is not using a pillow as there's no point yet, he sleeps all over the place in his cot! He have a diver tho that he uses most nights x
I'm getting one for his birthday and a duvet and then I'll see whether I use oit or not :oooo:
I used one with Drake when he was 8 months old to help with his cold at the time snd i havent taken it away. I put in under his sheet to stop him moving it around.
I was going to put it under her sheet as well, might have to give this a try xx

I have used a pillow and cot bed duvet with kian since he turned one and i have found he has slept much better especially as the pillow props him up a bit x
im in two minds weather to try marley with one...he moves around so much!!! i deffo think the under the sheet thing is a great idea though!!

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