Planned or Surprise?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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I heard once that statistics out it at 50/50 and i was wondering how we compare.

Was your little bundle of joy a planned pregnancy or a surprise?

Stanley was a massive surprise, the best one I ever had :D
we did really want a baby but it was a suprise it happened so quick :shock:

bet suprise in my life tho and wouldnt change a thing! :cheer:
Harry was a HUGE suprise, i had previously been told it was unlikely i could have children
sort of in the middle we wanted kids but in the future but we weren't using anythin :?

best thin that ever happened to me havin keeley :D
Mason was a shock! Brody was planned!
Leah was Big suprise. The best one ever but a total shock.
Daniel was a very big shock! The rest were planned, but I never did the whole charting thing, just waited for things to happen.
Jam was a surprise but a very good one!!
I had had meningitis a couple of months before I conceived and had been told itd b very hard for me to get preggas?! hmmm, that was right wasnt it?! :think: :lol:

With Willow we decided we would start trying as we got married so i came of the pill in November to be off a while before i got pregnant but by the time we got married in April i was 12 weeks.

I came off the pill before i had Conal to actually lose a bit of weight but put quite a bit on instead :lol: but you know what they say play wth fire your going to get burnt :lol:

Georgia was a happy surprise. :D :D
Josh was planned, but took 15 months to get pregnant.
Louie was a happy surprise :D :D
Jessica was a surprise cos we had only bee together 2 months when i found out i was pregnant.
Aimee was planned and Nathan was a surprise. Although we wasn't using anything my hormones were all over the place cos Aimee was only 4 months and I couldn't decided if i wanted another one but it happened anway.
Molly was planned, Aimèe was a lovely surprise, Sam was planned.

We're done now!
definitely planned, iwas a ddicted to the ttc section for 4 months prior!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
are babys really a surprise ever????
i wouldn't say rachael was planned but we were having sex and coz we were moving i asn't taking my pill properly.
if you take you pill correctly its 99.9% safe. so i think if most were honest their bundles weren't exactly surprises but sort of inbetween planned and unplanbned/
budge said:
are babys really a surprise ever????
i wouldn't say rachael was planned but we were having sex and coz we were moving i asn't taking my pill properly.
if you take you pill correctly its 99.9% safe. so i think if most were honest their bundles weren't exactly surprises but sort of inbetween planned and unplanbned/

Not everyone's on the pill. We used a condom (obviously ineffectively) and my pregnancy was 100% surprise!

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