Precipitous Labour


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2016
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Apologies in advance at the length of this post but I just need to vent!

I have 2 kids aged 9 yrs and 18 months. Both have been quick labours under 4 hours. The first progressed quickly and obviously was sore however only what's to be expected and I was relatively calm and quiet whilst giving birth. When I look back on it even soon after it was kind of a blur.

When it came to my second baby, everyone was telling me that the labour would be easier than the first but oh my God it was a MILLION times worse. I was told I was 4cm dilated and asked for pethadine. By the time the midwife checked me I was told the baby was coming and I had to push. I literally went from 4cm to pushing in a few minutes. The contractions were bearable but the pain actually giving birth was HORRENDOUS. I described it as having a ropes tied round both my legs with two trucks driving in opposite directions ripping my body apart! I acted like a CRAZY person. I was screaming my head off and trying desperately to get away, I had to be restrained on the bed by several people and apparently was trying to punch and kick out (feel so awful for this). I acted 100x more dramatically than the most OTT and dramatic labour scene I've ever seen on TV. My baby was actually delivered 2 feet in the air as I was pushing myself up to try and get away. I am usually the absolute opposite of this, don't complain about anything and am embarrassed to make any noises in pain in the hospital or anything, my partner was so shocked and actually frightened at the scene in front of him. The midwives seemed so annoyed at me afterwards. I was and still am MORTIFIED. I was so ashamed of myself and feel like I can never show my face in the hospital again.

I look back on my labour and still feel traumatised. I remember the pain vividly and have (half) joked that I have PTSD as I find it hard to even talk about my labour and can't watch anything like that on TV. One Born Every Minute used to be one of my favourite programmes! Even 18 months later I've never been able to understand why it was that painful or why I acted like that.

I'm pregnant again and was at my booking appointment the other day. The midwife asked about previous births and I mentioned that I went from 4cm to pushing in minutes and she told me that's called "precipitous labour." This was the first time I'd ever heard this term so of course I went home and googled it. I couldn't believe the results... stories so similar to mine of women describing "blood curdling screams" and feeling like they were going to die. Women saying they were acting insane and don't know why, medical sites stating that "there is no way to describe the intensity of the pain of a precipitous birth" and others stating that "whilst all labours are painful, this kind is significantly more so." One source also states that PTSD isn't uncommon as a result.

I'm angry that this wasn't explained to me and the midwives just seemed annoyed at me. I have spent all this time so confused and not knowing what happened or why. I suddenly feel justified in my behaviour and know that I was not over exaggerating or being dramatic.

HOWEVER. Everything I've read suggests that if you've had this type of birth in the past then its a lot more likely to happen again and now I am TERRIFIED for this birth. I cannot go through that again. It's making me want to get a section. I'm only 9 weeks and I don't want to spend the whole pregnancy anxious and worrying. People tell me I'm lucky to have quick labours however I'd much rather have a full day of contractions than that again.

Has anyone else had this type of birth and (I'm clinging on to hope) went on to have a normal delivery after?

I doubt anyone's made it this far haha but thanks for reading xx
Hi, having my son I just had 2 contractions which lasted 20 minutes each and I went from 2 to 10cm dilated in that 40 minutes! I too was in complete agony and felt totally traumatised afterwards. I never actually took it up but I was told that there is a postnatal counseling service at the hospital to support women who have had traumatic labours, if they have the same at your hospital it may be worth accessing it to talk through what happened, go through your options and help you feel less anxious in this pregnancy? Xx
Hi there should be a birth debrief service at the hospital if you feel you would like to go through it with a midwife.
You might find other ways of labouring are preferable, for instance water birth. Look at hypnobirthing too.
An active labour (off a bed) May have been much better for you too.
I also went from 4 to fully in 20 minutes but was kind of dancing round for them. And I certainly didn’t experience the pain you describe.
In any case,I’m sorry to hear that the midwives seemed annoyed. Their job is to support you and In no way should you feel mortified or ashamed x
Thank you, I think I would benefit from speaking to someone. I would absolutely love a waterbirth however I am high risk and have had to be induced at 37 weeks each time and will have to again this time round. I actually feel a lot better since just writing it all down so thank you for reading! X
All I can say is awch! It doesn't sound very pleasant and I can totally understand your fear.
I don't have that specific experience but I do have very narrow hips etc and had a relatively fast first labour. The contractions themselves didn't bother me all that much but the pain of baby being pushed down through my hips was excruciating, like someone trying to stomp a bowling ball down through a plug hole. It literally felt like someone had their foot on my back whilst pulling my hips from either side pulling them back, it felt as though my insides were being torn apart and like bones were ready for snapping as he moved down. It felt like lightening shooting down my legs, they felt like they were on fire and the pain in my back was something else.
I had no pain relief as midwives didn't expect me to progress so quick only being 2cm when I arrived and they thought I was exaggerating with how uncomfortable I was, and contractions were 2 mins apart from early labour and felt constant during active so I had no break. If hubby wasn't there to help calm me I think I would probably have leaped from the window in the little room they put me in lol I really couldn't cope.
Midwife offered me pills because I seemed 'distressed' I couldn't take them as I was too busy throwing up in such agony.
Once they discovered I was progressing quickly, struggled to check me between such constant contractions and was close to delivery after leaving me with no labour room, no option for pain relief (I only wanted a bit of gas) they became apologetic. Once I finally did get a room (with bed rather than a tiny sofa) and gas, I was completely silent for the last 30min of labour/birth and they l made a big deal over how well I did afterwards.. I was annoyed but I had my son safely in my arms and was over joyed with him so didn't say anything about it. Hubby was really angry at the time as they only bothered checking me in the first place because he demanded after they left me alone so long, we didn't know what was going on and I was distressed. If he didn't DS would have been born in that room on the sofa.

Because of that experience I do worry about my next birth, but I will be looking into hypno birthing and hopefully staying at home to keep relaxed and avoid being put in a little visitors room again.
For you I would definitely suggest the same, hypno birthing to keep you as calm and relaxed as possible and maybe even a doula to help you along as they really know how to help psychologically etc.
But do remember that this time is likely to be different, you have had a good birth previously so if you give yourself the right set up and stay in the right frame of mind, no matter what happens this time you can hopefully make it a positive experience :)
I think I have had the same. I never knew that existed... I recognize myself in what you write! At 9am I was at 4cm and they told me it would take about 6 hours till full dilation so nobody came check on me except at 10am (just asked me if I needed anything, then midwife left us again) which was still fine but painful contractions. Then at 11:20 am because I started to scream the place down, she ran in, ordered me to lay on the bed quickly checked my cervix, I was already having push reflexes and ready to give birth! She told me to wait :rofl: and to not push anymore!! I screamed I couldn't stop it, while she called for the doctor. In any case, everything was a blur, I was in excruciating pain, my contractions were soooo long with only a second of relief and then started again. The pain was so bad I wanted to faint because I just couldn't handle it anymore. The OH told me I was screaming like a bear but I can't remember! In any case my daughter was born very quickly much to the surprise of everyone.

Thank you for sharing this because it will prepare me for the next one. I never knew it had a name! My mother had it as well so there is a big chance it might happen again!x
Sorry I have just seen this, I didn't realise I had more replies. Thank you so much for all the advice and as much as I am sorry for your experience, I am glad it wasn't just me lol! I think my plan is to ask for pain relief early before I am struggling in case of this happening again and it being too late. I will definitely look into hypo birthing too :) x
I just wanted to update that our second child had now been born and although the labour itself was very similar it was a much better experience than the first time round! Again, I laboured really quickly - arrived at the hospital at 4.30am - assessed at 4.40 as being 3cm dilated so not quite in active labour yet and our daughter was born at 5.18am. However, I met with a consultant midwife during my pregnancy who supported my wish to give birth in the birthing center and ensured I had a clear birth plan, which everyone then followed meaning I had the natural birth I wanted, giving birth in a pool, with minimal intervention. The labour was still absolutely horrific, however, after last time I was much more prepared, knew it wasn't going to last for long and therefore managed with minimal intervention meaning that the recovery has been so much easier! Xx

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