pregnancy brain


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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i think mine is starting to kick in , i was making hot chocolate today only i forgot to boil the kettle, so i had cold chocolate :lol:
i ended up putting it in the microwave in the end to warm it back up. :wall2:
mine has set in too, I cut opened a bag of ice cubes the other night there then couldnt find the scissors then my OH found the scissors in the freezer !!!
I keep having the odd moment. The other day in work I had to fill out the paying in book, so I started writing a cheque!
I put the remote in the fridge, completely forgot what I was saying half way through saying it! Soooo frustrating x
I heated up my lunch in the microwave yesterday, then a few hours later I started feeling really sick and my OH asked if I had eaten my lunch as normally I get sick if I get hungry. I said I had, then he found it still in the microwave in the evening. I was totally convinced I had eaten it...
God this made me laugh so much I'm crying now haha
hehe, I keep going out without stuff, usually my purse, and don't realise until I need to pay for something. The most stupid thing I did though was at breakfast one morning I was making myself some toast (it was all I could manage in tri 1!) and just about stopped myself from pouring my orange juice into the toaster, I just kind of 'came to' as I tipped the bottle up!
I didnt think Id been too bad...until my mum found a bag of pasta in the fridge.....
my short term memory has gone, i cant remember names, conversations or what i´ve done. Oh called me one evening and asked how my day was and i just could not remember if i had been to work or had a day of!
i think that its only going to get worse to be honest girls lol, good thread though has made me giggle xx
isobel84 said:
my short term memory has gone, i cant remember names, conversations or what i´ve done. Oh called me one evening and asked how my day was and i just could not remember if i had been to work or had a day of!
That made me laugh lols

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