pregnancy calculator


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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i've tried about 30 pregnancy calculators on the web an they all say im 5 weeks pregnant, my last period was in april.
Am i?
Im at doctors tomorrow for a check up,
I thought i was 3 weeks gone, am i 3 .. or 5?
help please.
first day of last period was 30th april
You're 5 weeks pregnant hun :D

Its calculated from first day of last period even though you would have conceived around 2 weeks later :hug:
The calculators are pretty accurate vprovidibng you know your last af date
Calculating your pregnancy from the first day of your last period is less accurate if you have irrgular periods; in which case the dating would be more accurate from your first scan.
I was confused by the way it's worked out too!

I know I ovulated 3 weeks ago - so just add 2 weeks onto that (as all the calculators assume that you ovulated on day 14 of your cycle). So I am 5 weeks pregnant too!!!

Seems a bit of a cheat to me - but it means you get 2 weeks for free!!
My last AF was on the 30th April and currently 14DPO - hoping that i am joining you Toxic_Angle with a BFP - means out due date would be same day or just a few days apart! Look here is me hoping it is a BFP but terrified to do a HPT! - I will let you know in 4 days if i will be joining you!
tots hope said:
My last AF was on the 30th April and currently 14DPO - hoping that i am joining you Toxic_Angle with a BFP - means out due date would be same day or just a few days apart! Look here is me hoping it is a BFP but terrified to do a HPT! - I will let you know in 4 days if i will be joining you!

Hey tots hope, test test test test :cheer: i find tesco home brand tests are good,i got a faint line with them 11 dpo, an got 2 bfp's a few days later.
:hug: good luck
Toxic_Angel how are you feelin? :hug: hope your alright
Hey jenna, i'm rather good. I've found that folic acid have stopped me feeling sick alot of the time wich is good =]
im off to see my gp on thursday morning to get a midwife sorted for me!, went the doctors today for a health check up an everythings good, an he said the midwife will give me a date for scan! =]
Ar you feeling okay hun? :hug:
Good, folic acid is really good for you and if it helps the sickness then thats a bonus!!
oooo must be so exciting! does it seem real yet? I dont think i'll believe i am (when i am) until i have a scan.
I feel lousy but suprisingly cheerful! :D
Yeah same here, i cant actualy believe it and i probably wont until i have my first scan, seems unreal! I hope you get your well deserved bfp soon :] An i'll be on friday morning to hear results!
Oh yeah an last week i had 1 clear blue digital left and the other one that i used a few days before the batteries died on it, so it didnt say pregnant anymore.. so i used the last one heheh so i could see it again :]
silly me eh!
Awww hun, thats not silly its dead sweet. I know that if i get my bfp i'll use every test i have :rotfl: Im holding onto my CB for a special day lol. I did have 2 but used one and as soon as i stood up to check it my AF started! Talk about unlucky! Ah well that was a long time ago...i have CB number 2 to worry about, hopefully it will be a better result :wink:
Well i hope you get bfp!
You'l have to let us all know how it goes =]
Good luck & fingers crossed for you.

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