Pregnancy Symptoms


Oct 17, 2010
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Can you get pregnancy symptoms at 9 - 10 dpo?

My bbs feel extremely sore and have a bit of nausea!
didnt want to read and run, and yes a number of my friends have. my sister in law knew a few days after conception with her second child x good luck for you and hoping this is your month x
Thanks everyone... I really hope this is my month. I am trying not to do a hpt but i am getting impatient and just want to know.. Does anyone know how soon you can test? xx :)
It depends on the test you use, but a early response is i think 10 dpo and then a clear blue digi is 11dpo although the longer you wait the better the accuracy :)
thankyou.. I will prob just wait untill the 28th and count down the days :)

How do you get bit at the bottom of the page with the baby dust? Everyone has one.

Hey Hun,

It is possible for sure but be careful getting your hopes up as it's so upsetting to get a BFN if you do.

I'm gonna need everyone to tell me that in my 2WW though!

Good luck and lots of babydust! xx
Hey Hun,

I know it is hard not to get your hopes up sometimes. I am desperate to do a test but I am not going to!! I have bought loads though so its hard not to :) The 2WW feels like 2 years :lol:
AF is due on the 28th!! only 9 days.. How long have you been trying? xxx
They are very sore the now have been for days. also just feel strange/different?

Did you get that?

I know I used to get sore boobs when AF was due, but before I tested I didn't have any tenderness, mine only started to get sore a fortnight ago which was 3 weeks after conception xx
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Hi XHopefulX

Yes I sometimes get sore boobs before af but not to this extreme.

Just have so many body changes at the moment and just desperate to know.

I had a miscarriage in May and i had no symptoms then or cant really remember what it was like.

God Nicky so sorry to hear what happened in May. All pregnancies are different and I suppose symptoms are too but if you don't suffer as bad as you are now and things are definately out of the ordinary the more hopeful they are. Only a couple of days hun till you can test woo hooo, fingers crossed xx

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