pregnancy yoga/excercise

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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hi ladies

has anyone here done pregnancy yoga?i want to stay in the best shape possible throughout my pregnancy, avoid getting hugee,i know weight gain should be expected but just not excessive weight gain as im quite chunky already..and just want that feeling of being fit and healthy.
Had a doctors appt yday morning and she said that i can go swimming (but i cant swim) isit worth getting swimming classes now?if not then maybe pregnancy yoga it is.... can someone tell me their experience of it, isit good, does it help??
I think i would have to get the dvds as theres no classes near my area :(
if so what dvd would you recommend

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no personal experience myself, but I am joining aqua-natal classes next week - you should look into them, as im sure you do them stood up, so you dont need to swim!
Sure start also do pregnancy pilates, which I may take up - never done it before, so not sure what good it will do.
My only tip would be to walk!!! I walk loads, miles a day sometimes, and I always feel great afterwards. Must be paying off coz I managed to have lost a pound when I weighed myself!
Good luck x
hmmm walking on a treadmill the same??
i had a look for aqua-natal classes in west london, and theres noting :S isit not a common thing for women to do?
hmm i think i will have to speak to my gym about swimming as they arent letting me cancel my memebership...may aswell go and bounce around in the water lol

Hi - try Lazy Daisy Pregnancy classes which are becomming national now - a really good class for all mums to be. The classes include yoga inspired moves, breathing work, birth education, great positions for labour - a good comprehensive class lasting 1 hour 20 mins. If you google lazy daisy birthing you will find the website, then you can search for a class near you
There is a 10 min pregnancy pilates dvd that I can highly reccomend hun! I also have a yoga one for pregnancy but I have not got round to it yet :( xx

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