Pro's and con's of natural birth?

With my first I had an epidural
With my second I had gas and air
With my third I had nothing

My pain threshold hasn't changed but each labour has, I would never regret my epidural because for that labour it was needed 36 hours of pain was too much, you just have to go In with an open mind, I've done it 3 different way but my outcome has always been the same a gorgeous baby, and when I did it natural 3rd time nobody give me a medal for doing it
For me the intense pain made me panic, I couldn't think and just lost the plot. So a delivery with an epidural allowed me to relax and enjoy the experience. I could have a nap and save my energy for the pushing. Aim for what you think will suit you and keep a very open mind because birth rarely follows any plan xx

This is exactly how I felt - total panic over how intense the contractions were and fear over not being able to cope. So I had the epidural, and like you say cosmicgirl, was able to nap and feel very relaxed as it took all of the pain away. It made my labour experience so much better because I can clearly remember the entire pushing stage as I was completely clear-headed and focused because I wasn't delirious with pain!

Definitely keep an open mind, I know people who have insisted they weren't going to have any pain relief at all but when push comes to shove (literally) they were begging for anything to take the pain away. Hats off to you if you manage without pain relief, I would totally admire you! But don't beat yourself up about it if you can't manage xx
I am going down the hypnobirthing route and starting my classes from 25 weeks so I have plenty of time to prepare. Discussed my draft birth plan at my 16 week appointment and midwife seemed very happy with it.

I am trying for totally natural but have written into the plan that if at any time my baby or me are at risk to do whatever is necessary - I also have a high pain threshold.

One thing I would say is if you really want to do it naturally avoid as much as possible any negative stories - one born every minute is very scary stuff LOL look for home birth videos on youtube and look up gentlebirths for some lovely stories - some of those ladies have had to go down the emergency route but because they are so relaxed and informed they have been able to cope with the changes to plan very successfully :)
i am just going to be completely open minded and just play it by ear.....see if i can cope and if i can't, i will ask for an epidural...

not going to feel bad for having long as me and baby are safe.

I've only given birth once so my experience is obviously fairly limited! I couldn't imagine doing it again with an epidural though. I had gas and air up until around 7cm but then decided it was doing my head in more than it was helping. I knew I didn't want anything like pethidine so told the midwife not to even offer it, regardless of how much pain I was in.

The last 3cm and all of the pushing (about 1.5 hours) was done with no pain relief. It was better for me though because I felt like I was in complete control - yes I was in horrific pain (I won't lie lol!) but I coped!

Things did go awry after pushing for over an hour though, LO wasn't moving down the birth canal properly so I needed an episiotomy and ventouse delivery. I did have local anaesthetic injected into my foof (now THAT hurt lol!) before the episiotomy - does that count as pain relief? I was urged to go down to theatre, have an epidural there and then deliver there too but I felt they were rushing me. I refused and asked them to try there, which thankfully worked, although I tore badly and needed lots of stitches and lost almost a litre of blood.

Anyways my point to the gory detail was that if I can do that with no pain relief then anyone can :)
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Don't watch One Born Every Minute and use it as a guideline, its heavily edited! I made that mistake!
I've had Gallstones and eventually my Gallbladder removed and never thought I would experience pain like it again, not even Childbirth! But I did, labour hurts! I begged for an epidural but my labour was so quick it was never an option!
I never made a birthplan for the fear of it not going to plan. I personally think you need to remain open minded and go with the flow. Midwives will always do what is best for you and baby. In the heat of the moment you will do what is right for you. I recommend gas and air! :D
I personally think TENS machines are ok for a natural birth. They only work on nerve stimulation to block pain signals from the brain.
My labour was really quick so I didn't have time for any pain relief as when I got to the hospital I was ready to push. At home I found standing up and deep breathing really helped me cope during contractions. Also, my OH rubbing my back during contractions was good. I would definitely practise breathing techniques if you want a natural birth and this really really helped. xx
im planning on natural, i have an epidural when i had my ds 16 years ago and it stopped my contractions i had to have a drip inserted to get them going again, i didnt know when to push and ended up very tired after a long delivery

with my dd i had a shot of pethodine thats it and i had a really easy delivery i could feel everything and found it alot better. got to hospital at 7.30 had her at 8.30!

im gonna try and be as natural as possible and go as long as poss with out any pain releif, i have a quite high pain threshold, but if i need something i will use it x

im going to stay at home as long as i can to, and be as mobile as i can, im hoping this will help. my MW says if your active in pregnancy then its easier for your labour so im off walking the dog doing diy lots of cleaning etc lol (keeping my fingers crossed on that one)
I would have an open mind! I listened to natal hypnotherapy which I believe did help me. Concentrating on your breathing is a must! I was induced by drip as I was 12 days over and had just gas and air, I think the gas helps you control your breathing. The drip wasn't as bad as I had heard! I don't think you can fully have a plan. Just try and stay calm and remember every contraction is one nearer your baby!

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