Question about baby bedtime


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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When is it ok to put your baby to sleep upstairs while your downstairs? Kynons nearly 10 weeks (6 weeks adjusted) and at the moment I have a bit of a night routine where I bath him between 7 and 8 the feed him (breastfeeding) then put him in his pram in the living room. We have low lights on and speak softer but it's hit or miss whether he sleeps or fusses or babbles away to himself. I then take him up to bed at about 10 or 11 and feed him in bed then put him in the crib next to my bed, sometimes he sleeps sometimes not!

I was thinking about maybe putting him in the crib after his 8pm feed but I havent left him in a room alone yet, I'm a bit anxious about it for some reason even tho we have a video monitor. I just wonder if he might sleep better as he fusses a lot at night and demands feeding loads. What have you ladies done with your LOs?
We have Sophia in her cot in her own room as she is a noisy sleeper! She often sounds like she is fussing and sometimes she is because she is aware of us in the room iykwim. She has slept great since doing this, she is sleeping through at 6 weeks old - did exactly the same with our older daughter and she too slept through from 6 weeks old. Last night she slept from 8/9pm, woke for feed at 10:30ish then slept until 7am this morning. This is a typical night for her now, usually fully down to sleep by 10/11pm and will sleep a good 10 hours. She is gaining weight well too so she is obv getting enough in the daytime.

We have an angelcare monitor and it is a godsend xxx
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I know its not the done thing but Emma goes upstairs for all her naps and night time and has done since she was 6 weeks. She honestly has slept better in her own cot since doing that (say 7pm to 8.30am ish from 12 weeks). We have a movement sensor mat type thing.
We take her up at 6.45 - and change her and give her a bottle in a dimly lit room - we try not to interact with her but she is so happy then and babbles away that its impossible not to!
Oh and I blow on her face if she falls asleep whilst feeding, and put her down awake, but happy so she is happy to go to sleep on her own and doesn't wake up crying, just chats to herself before I go and pick her up!
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Generally I think whenever you're comfortable to do it x

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
We try to put Alice to bed about an hour before we go up, that way we know she's more likely to be sound asleep. If not she demands attention and will take ages to settle. She's also been in her own room fora while now, she seems happier in there and gets a good sleep x
I agree with Helen, just whenever you feel comfortable to do so xxx
Kayden sleeps better in his own crib, we've had him in there from day 1, but our house is all on the one level, so our bedroom is right next to the living room anyway. We have the tommee tippee sensor monitor that goes off if they stop breathing & its been a god send. He's alot better when he's in the room himself & hasn't slept more than 1 hour outside his crib.

Theres no actual guidence for when you can leave them in a room, as far as I know as long as you have a monitor its fine. And it wont exactly be hours he'll be by himself if you put him down at 8 & normally go to bed yourself at 11. Why dont you even try him by himself for an hour & see how you feel!!

Thanks for the advice. I think I might try him in his crib upstairs maybe tomorrow or day after if he recovers from his jabs he had today ok. He def settles better up there once I take him up than down here so fx it might help!
Hi Sarah - my routine was pretty similar to yours at the same age. I hated putting him in the other room, but at c. 9 weeks I started to put him into his crib between 7.30 and 9.30, usually at the later time depending on how tired he is. Most nights he's asleep within five minutes and sleeps through til 1-2am and occasionally 5am - when I put him in with me (its just the two of us). He then has three or four hour naps evenly spaced during the day, which seems to be at the same time (his own routine). I hope to get him nearer to 7.30 over the next few weeks, but think I will still be giving him the night feed for a while yet.
Hope Kynon's better after is jabs - Thomas is back to his usual self today and was just a bit dozy yesterday.

I use a video monitor and a Snuza Go it's given me such peace of mind - i still seem to sleep with one eye open though! PARANOID MOTHER...
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That snuza thing sounds interesting franna, might look into that more thanks
Oh god maisie slept downstairs with me until she was to big for her basket (4 months) its deffinatly do whatever ur comfy with x

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