Bedtime feeding nightmare


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Hi all,
We're having a bit of a nightmare with Noah (11 weeks) waking up every night about 45 minutes after we put him to bed. We feed him at about 6.30, give him his bath at about 7, then give him the rest of his bottle before bed at 7.30. He always, always falls asleep during that bedtime feed, and wakes up crying for more food less than an hour later. It's becoming VERY frustrating!!! :evil:
We've tried feeding him as much as we can before and after his bath, but whatever we do he always seems to wake up.

He's pretty good during the night and has even slept through a couple of times - but he's been doing this evening wake-up thing for the past week or so, and it's becoming an annoying pattern!

Any help would be luverlee... :pray:
Focus on the fact he sleeps through and enjoy that :clap: :hug: he is still little, and eventually he will drop that 45min later feed I'm sure :hug: He may even just be wanting reassurence, comfort, and the feed you take is something he maybe doesn't necessarily need, but personally I think he's doing great sleep wise, take care and very best wishes.
Oh, okay, maybe he's doing a lot better than we thought then!
We were told at baby group the other day to let him cry it out - going up every five minutes to comfort him and let him know he wasn't alone. That lasted for about 40 minutes on the first night we tried it, and for the next couple of nights he's slept through!! :dance:

Thanks a lot for the replies girls, and good luck with your little ones... :sleep:

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