Real or Fake?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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What kind of christmas tree does everyone get - real or fake? I REALLY want a real one this year but don't know if OH will agree!
Lol oh's parents always get a real one and they spill needles everywhere! That's the only thing that puts me off! Apart from that they smell lovely and look a lot nicer! X
I love real ones but them shedding needles all over the place would be a nightmare for me. I love the smell but will stick to the fake ones for now, well maybe until the kids are a bit older anyway x
oooooh the real ones are a bloomin nightmare with the needles, you'd need to hoover every day, my grand parents used 2 get one every year & id end up with the needles in my own bed, in my house!! looool

Bear in mind they're also more difficult to transport & will cost more & in certain areas need to be pre-booked months in advance.

Some of the really nice fake ones look exact same as the real ones!!

Isn't there a certain 'breed' of tree that doesn't spill needles? Either that or there's something you can do to them? I dunno! lol
love real ones! we are going away for xmas so will prob just get a small fake one to put up, more so for lo than me, as i wouldnt bother with us going away. LOVE the smell of real ones though, cant beat them!
Tasha89 yes you are right as my in laws got one last year, although it did shed a few but not half as many as an average tree would x
I love the real ones but I have a fake, it's really bushy I love it x
Nothing can beat a real tree the smell of pine makes me feel really christmassy shame were not having one this year xx

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Im treating me and Paige to a real tree this year but I can see it being a one off lol.
I love real trees but not practical with 3 cats & a baby! we've got a really nice fake one x
I'm looking for a really big fat bushy fake one anyone know where one might acquire one of these? Lol x
I love real ones and the smell of them, we had one last year but with LO being due 2 weeks before christmas I can't be bothered for the shedding of the needles this year so we're going fake x
REAL! We actually go to the forest here and cut our own tree down - it's become a lovely Christmas tradition for us now. We have a nice lunch and then go-a-chopping!!:) love the smell, look, feel, everything about the real ones. Don't care about the needles, easily vacuumed up. Can't wait!
I love real trees but husband refuses and as my parents have just 'treated' themselves to 2 new cars both convertible (my moms is a Porsche!) I doubt they'll be putting trees into their cars haha.

I might get an air freshener see if that recreates the smell of a real tree lol.
We always get a real one. We go for either a Scotch Pine or a Lodgepole Pine as they don't shed their needles and are nice and 'fluffy'. I find the normal type a tree can be a bit sparse and they're a frigging nightmare with the needles.
My mil got me a Harrods tree yesterday it's lush and I can't bloody wait to put it up eeek!
Real! There's nothing like the smell of a tree when you get up in the morning, we always get the type which don't drop needles.
I think the real ones are a bit more environmentally friendly than the fake ones which can't be recycled when they get scruffy.
Fake for me just coz I have cats who ruin anything like that. Also I go a bit psycho over decorating the tree. It just looks like a giant glittery triangle when Ive done. A real one would just be a waste coz you can't see it anyway when Ive finished.
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