Really concerned about pale poo's...HELP PLEASE!

I dont know hun but Lilys having a lot of well poo problems atm too I was just about to make a post about it so will be watching this thread for replies if thats ok :hug:
My son Dillon had occasional cream/beige poops and he was intolerant to cows milk for a while! The two were never actually put together though!? But I always put it down to that as when i started giving him Soya milk he was fine!
Cows milk has ALOT more protine in it, and its thw protine that babies can be intolerant to.

Id stick with fomula for another few months.
I don't know the answer but I hope she is better soon. Maybe call your HV tomorrow and mention it to them :hug:
I work in a day nursery so change plenty of poo :oops:
There is a horrible stomach bug going around at the moment and all the children that have had this at nursery have had the type of poo you've described!

Dont think the GP can do anything for it the only advice parents have been given is to keep them hydrated (obviously) and keep their diet bland....hope this helps
Cally has been off colour today and has done two pale, very loose smelly poos :puke: She is teething but has also been off her food - so could be a mild stomach bug. She hasn't had any cows milk, just breast milk so it isn't necessarily a milk intolerance.

And don't google!!! It really is the worst thing you could do as it will just scare you :hug:
I find Tom's poo does that sometimes when he's been unwell and has been off his solids but drinking milk.
It goes back to a 'baby' poo colour. If she's been eating less but drinking lots of milk then maybe that's it??? xx
Jacks been like this all week, so we did take him to the doctors.

The only advice she gave us was to starve him for 24 hours but keep his fluids up :?

With either water. Flat lemonade or get this flat Lucusade (sp) I mean hes not even 2 :|
LO had this after a tummy bug, they were so runny that they came out the bottom of her trousers! :puke: It took a good couple of weeks to go back to normal.
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Yeah this sound slike the stomach bug Oliver had 2 weeks ago.

He was sick everyday for about a week (sometimes only once a day, but at it's peak about 6 times in a day). He was off his food & his poo was really pale beige, slimy & smelly.

Took him to the Dr's but they weren't interested - said he seemed hydrated (he was drinking loads of water) and giving him meds could make him worse! Cheers then :(

He's all better now tho thank god. I was knackered & my washing machine needed a rest too :puke:

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