*** Redshoes' (Amy's) BABY IS HERE!!!! *** Update pg 1


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Jun 4, 2005
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I got this message from Amy this morning. Looks like baby Wriggly is taking her time!
Lots of luck and love Amy...to you, Craig, Isaac and Wriggly. Hope she gets here soon! Lxxx :hug:


Well I went to bed and tried to sleep but OH was snoring a bit and obviously my mind was busy so only got a few hrs, then woke at 5am to some hot sensations in my pelvis, watched the clock for a while until realised they were coming every 5mins, so foned MW at 7am, she got out to me at 7:30am, and then the contractions, if that's what they were, stopped They still haven't re-started and so unless something happens, we will be going into hospital at 11am, where they will probably try the gel first to get me started..again..cannot believe I'm having bloody PROM again with this wriggly monkey, really thought things would go different, but guess my uterus is just too nice Isaac went to Grandma's last night and so I am a little anxious about him too, so just hoping that things get going, however they go, and baby is here and we're all home tonight, please pray for me hehe MW wouldn't check dilation due to infection risk so cannot say if or how far I'm dilated, its all new to me as Isaac was all in my back and these ones are all at the front, just feel very hot and a slight sting at the end, can walk and talk through them so would be surprised if I'm dilated past 2cms

Changed my avatar accordingly, this is a new labour, same bullsh!t


Update 1 @ 3.47pm 24th Aug

Amy has texted to say that she's had a stretch and sweep and gel and is now waiting. If nothing happens by 10pm tonight then she'll be given the drip. I've told her we're all thinking of her and have sent her everyone's love.
Go for it Amy! Lxx :hug:


Update 2 @ 9.20pm 24th Aug


Just had this text from Amy's OH...
SHE'S HERE!!!! Ophelia Heidi was born at 8.55pm tonight! Was very fast. Weight not known yet.

HOORAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS AMY!!!!! What a beautiful name!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Thinking of you and hoping you're all well and happy! Lxxxx :hug: :clap: :dance: :hug:
Goodluck Amy am thinkin of you honey :hug: xxxx
Bless her heart! :hug: I really hope things are moving for you sweetie!! :pray: :cheer: xxx
Oh i really feel for her she wanted a natty labour :(

Either way hope it goes as fantastically as poss love!!! Yah to baby coming !!

:cheer: :hug:
Oh Amy - I can't believe you are due already (or are you early and I've missed something?)! I've been meaning to get back in touch for ages!

I really really fingers crossed hope that this labour goes so much smoother and quicker than your last and you are allowed your happy home birth if that's still the plan. I am so excited for you and C and Isaac to meet your little girl. Please don't worry about Isaac, he's safe and happy.

Love you

Valentine Xxx
Congratulations hun :cheer:

Welcome to the world Ophelia :D

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