Revenge is sweet...

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hmmm... Here's an idea - post your ideal revenge on this thread - heehee, should be good for a giggle! Not that I'd actually DO any of these, but it's nice to think about it! :evil:

Mine - putting salt in the sugar so that their tea doesn't taste right, but say you can't taste anything can make you feel ill if you drink enough of it!

Stretching cling film over the toilet bowl but under the seat!

Dipping their hand in a bucket of water while they sleep...

Oh I feel really bad now! :evil: :twisted:

me and my mum nailed my mums front door shut once :rotfl: it was sooo funny
i put salt on my brothers cerial once lol! he spat it everywhere, i had to clean it up though so it backfired on me!
My brother used to wake me up alot when I lived at home. So one night I waited until he was fast asleep, (think he was about 10 or 11) and ran into his room screaming that the house was on fire... he woke up and started crying. lol :twisted:

The curtains were closed and it was dark outside... I told my brother that there was a man just outsdie the window, but told him not to look. When he pecked through the curtain I went up behind him and made him jump. lol he wet himself .....

Im such an evil cow :rotfl:
I was at my mates party once and the ggreat practical joker in the room fell asleep and his party piece was to shave someones eybrow off if they fell asleep.
So..... yep you guessed we did it to him only it back fired a bit as his dad came in, went mad and a fight started in the stree and ended up wi someone in a fishpond a few houses up with a broken arm!!!!!!

I know sit in corner getting quietley p***ed and let everyone else get on wi it
my friend made her ex husband a pie made with cheep tezcos own dog food when she found hewas cheating on her. I rather liked that one! :rotfl:
Tiny Sue said:
Mine - putting salt in the sugar so that their tea doesn't taste right, but say you can't taste anything can make you feel ill if you drink enough of it!

Stretching cling film over the toilet bowl but under the seat!

Dipping their hand in a bucket of water while they sleep...

Oh I feel really bad now! :evil: :twisted:


hehe are you a "friends" fan! thats exactly what Rachel teaches little Ben!! :lol: (great episode!!)
my best ever revenge was on a cheating ex!! he had all(and i mean all) of his clothes at mine, so i cut everything up, put them in black bags and left them at his front door :lol: :lol: :lol: funnily enuff he never did call......
I scrubbed the toilet with my ex-boyfriends toothbrush.
I sold my ex's stuff he left behind (oops bit illegal there) and the day after he moved out saying how I would never get anyone else as I was mad and ugly, I pulled an absolute fittie that I had been speaking to for a while and did him...and accidently made sure it went back to my ex.
i put hamster poo in my brothers mouth once while he was sleeping. Must of been dreaming about chocolate or something cause he started chewing it!! :puke:
i cant think of nethin

i must be a GOOD GIRL :D
My ex cheated on me so I got a male friend to wee in his mouth-wash. Tipped all his alcohol down sink (drank what i liked though) and chcuked his stereo outof his bedroom window,then I cut all his suits up but what i didnt realise was that they were his dad's that he had put there whilkst he was moving house,eekkkk..never really stayed frineds after that. But the best bit was getting his key and lobbing it out of the bus window in the country lanes,funny but I was only 17 and he was my first.

I am nice really :twisted:
Oh god here we go..... :oops:

There was a girl that I really didn't get on with who applied for the same job as me at an insurance company (I found out from a mutual friend who worked with her). I was sure she'd get the job so I called them, pretended to be her and told them I wanted my application withdrawn.... :oops:

Yes I did get the job :cheer:
:shock: That is so wrong kina yet so funny :rotfl:
I honestly can't think of anything I've done for revenge - I guess I'm not a revengey kinda person lol.

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