Right now the Landlord crack...he wrote back!


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Thought i'd update you on my arse of a Landlord...

Well he wrote back and said i have 2 options, start paying 415 a month starting April as he said on the other letter (housing benefit won't pay no more) he checked up on that too cheeky twat! OR he will wait til june until the baby is born so housing benefit will pay a bit more but it will be 420! He has pissed me off...why is he putting it up more if i choose to wait? fucking arse he is!
About not having a fire or anything he said they cannot be a fire in the property as he has been told. So that means me and the baby in winter (if we are still there hopefully not) will have to fucking freeze!!!
The mould...he said it was because i was not using the radiatior in the spare room...which i wasn't in the end but the mould came before i knocked the radiator off! Plus its spread into the other room. BUT he did say he would come and clean it off but i don't want to see the bald ****! I know fine well the reason its going mouldy is because the window leaks in and he knows about it...pppfffttt! (he knew before we moved in)

I think i should tell him i will pay the 420 when baby is here as housing benefit will cover more of it and HOPEFULLY i will have another house by then as i am waiting for on one at the minute and will know sometime in spring :pray:
Do you think he has a cheek to say 415 now or 420 in 2 month!!!
i think he sounds like a right twat! i think your doing the right thing by looking at moving, hope you do get the place your waiting to hear about! it sounds like the best option, to get out of there!!!
ive had experiance of mould, and it doesnt matter where its coming from it should no be there, and cleaning it off, even with a preventer/cleaner is only a short term fix (trust me we lived with it for a whole year :-() its not good for you, and it will be even worse for the baby once its here! really hope you get it all sorted, best of luck xxx
Thank you hunni, i know no matter how much i clean it off it comes back. I really hope i get this house too, we know the people and definitely have it if the person they are going to buy from decides to definitely sell! Fingers crossed! xxx
God he sounds like a right tosser! My last landlord was like that - all about the money and then trying to get out of his responsibilities to fix things by trying to blame me!! I hate landlords like that! I'd start really looking hard at moving hun - I know it's difficult when you're on benefits but there are some good ones around. I've just looked at a house to move into and landlord is more than happy to take benefits - not that I'm on them anymore but it's good to know just in case! My local council has a list of private landlords who accept benefits so maybe yours has something similar? xx
he sounds like a bundle of joy :( NOT

Fingers crossed u get the move hun x
Yeah they do your right actually! Never thought of this! I know a house coming empty near me a council house and have phoned up about it (long shot but worth a try) got to ring back monday when the housing officer is in...i am hoping they will sympathize and give us somewhere...been told to keep at them. If nothing comes of that well i will phone some on the private list xxx
That's great - just keep at it and ring round several, I'm sure you'll get somewhere in the end. xx
Yeah lets hope so, bring on the good luck! I'll feel so much happier if we get somewhere xxx
Yeah lets hope so, bring on the good luck! I'll feel so much happier if we get somewhere xxx

I've decided to move too - am sick of being in a damp 1 bed flat and have found out that the council won't rehouse us till baby is at least 1 year old, if at all. Have just found a gorgeous private rented house which he is completely refurbishing so everything will be all new and shiny :) Hopefully it's mine, I just need to pass a very basic ID and credit check - but it won't be ready for another 3 weeks so I'll be moving at about 37 weeks pregnant!! :shock: That's gonna be very hard work but my fault for leaving it so late really - just hope baby doesn't decide to make an early appearance! xx
Oh i really hope you get it hun! Good luck...its nice when you move into a nice brand new refurbished house...i am sure you will do just fine with getting everything sorted xxx
amanda that would be fab new baby and new house fingers crossed for u both girls :)
amanda that would be fab new baby and new house fingers crossed for u both girls :)

Yes I know - hard work so late on but will be worth it in the end to have a new home and little garden for my new family - and am so excited for my little boy to be able to have a nursery!! Just hope to pass this ID/Credit check - should find out by end of week. xx
Fingers crossed hun!
I have an appointment with the housing officer from our local council on friday, going to see if they will help us a bit more... worth a try xxx
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Fingers crossed hun!
I have an appointment with the housing officer from our local council on friday, going to see if they will help us a bit more... worth a try xxx

Thanks hun, sorry for hijacking your thread, lol. Good luck with the council - mine are crap because basically there are just hardly any properties available these days. But hopefully yours will be better and it's def worth a try!! xxx
Ah your not hijacking it lol! Thanks i'll need all the luck in the world...theres lack of housing here but was hoping if i saw her face to face and explained in person it would look better. If not will have to do some serious house hunting!!! Can't be just waiting on that other house to be let down xxx
xshauna_bazx.... I think the best option you should speak and get a letter from Citizen advice Bureau.. tell them the problem and seek for help... MY sister in law landlord was such an arse didnt fix anything around the house.. she didint have fire sensor also....she has got three kids so went to CAB wrote her a letter and she took it to the housing, now working on her case.. its really good¬
Thank you for that hun...if nothing comes from seeing the council and i get closer to my due date i think thats the only option. I really don't want to stay in this house though xxx

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