Riley and Malachy, our journey together


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
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I thought I would start this up for both of them, seeing as I never did one for Riley.

For those who don't know us or our story, my two best boys are Riley and Malachy, born exactly 14 months apart.

Riley arrived 21st June 2014, 8lbs 6oz and Malachy arrived 21st August 2015, 8lb 12oz. Both boys were born compound - hands by their faces - but I'm proud to say both were without any intervention and minimal pain relief :)

Part of this journal is to help me mentally - I have just been diagnosed with PND so I want to use this diary to write one positive thing about my boys (particularly Malachy) every day. My positive things for today is how impressed the hv was with Riley and his development and I got a beautiful smile off of Malachy that was so full of love.

I look forward to sharing my journey as a mummy to my two amazing, beautiful wee boys and hopefully I will be on the road to recovery soon!

Hope the pnd cloud passes over soon love but it's a lovely idea keeping a record of all the nice things xx
Good to see you have a journal theyr fab to vent in.

Hope the PND passes soon and you can enjoy things to the fullest. Stay positive.

Great idea. Hope it helps with pnd and will be a great keepsake for you in the future.
Great idea to write one positive thing each day, should really help when that PND cloud is covering everything!

I'm a fellow PND sufferer, so feel free to message me if you ever want to chat.

Take care hun, try and be kind to yourself!


Em x
Hey Kumber, I had PND with my son. I wrote a blog and when I look it back it does make it seen better than it felt at the time. I do hope you feel better soon. Feel free to inbox me if you want to vent/chat. Look forward to reading your highlights each day. Lots of Love G x
Thanks everyone :)

I really like the idea of a blog, glow! I'm the sort that needs to write and write and talk and talk about things so a blog may help me as well. Do you have any tips?

Today's positive - we went out for a lovely family meal, Riley was impeccably behaved and I successfully boobed Malachy without flashing too much!

Ahh well done Kumber, getting out for a meal is praise in itself let alone with two well behaved little ones (ha children, not anything else!) you must have loved that!

You are doing so well with your bf despite your challenges.

My only advice on blogs is say it as you see it at that point in time. This is because you may well laugh 24 hours later (pesky hormones- so very real at the time, but not necessarily a long term drama) and 2. Because I found it really helps other people. Bloggers don't profess to be "supermum" and it was definitely my guilty pleasure to read other people's challenges and feel "normal" and reassured. I figured I would do the same thing. I think you only have to look at the high volume of readers v posters on this forums threads to see women are intrugued but not always confident enough to speak to each other.

Anyway enough wittering on! Have a good day, will catch up again soon x
Do you follow the unmumsy mum? I love her!
I don't follow her but I've seen some of her bits, she's great! I love how real she makes everything.

I didn't post my positive thing of thr day yesterday! We went shopping with my mom, me and the two boys and we had the best day! Getting everything ready for staying at hers a couple of days a week and the boys had a blast!

Couple of Days a week will be so good for you, I cannot tell you enough how much my mum was a comfort when I had PND can't really put my finger on why but she just was.

I am off to look up that blogger ;-) x
Updating things for myself really. I had my first counselling session today, the lady was lovely but gosh it was hard. I feel somewhat better for it and my PND isn't too serious, which I am so relieved about.

My boys have been great too, Riley is kissing and cuddling Malachy every day. He's such a loving big brother and such a happy child. I'm so proud of how he's developing, I just wish he would talk! We're tantruming through every afternoon, he's finding his lack of communication so frustrating. Even with that though he's so much fun to be around and he has started drawing! I have a lovely book of squiggles to keep in his special box :D

Malachy is coming on in leaps and bounds, we've had so many beautiful laughs from him and he is discovering his hands so his playmat is his new favourite place.

Onwards and upwards!

Glad to hear the boys are doing good. The tantrumming does settle when they start speaking - I think we feel we can understand and help a bit more too.

Thanks hun :) he's understanding complex questions now - I asked him where he went yesterday after taking my mom for a walk and he pointed to the direction he came from, so I'm relieved he understands things beyond no! :lol: he says the odd word in French, mostly oui and bon, and sort of says yes but not always in context so it must be so frustrating to understand but not respond in a coherent way.


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