Round 2 letrazole with FSH injections!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girls,

Well after my change of dr and all my hassle with my previous one refusing ny prescription of letrazole. It looks like im perhaps nearly at the point of getting it from the hospital (4 weeks later).

So it should be next week and the process is take the 2.5 mg of letrazole as normal and go for the 12 day scan. If no follicles are larger than 17 mm then I have to then inject myself with the FSH to hopefully boost the growth. As the letrazole didnt work the last time Im not sure this will and the dr said theres a big chance it might not . Im going to be hopeful as this is my last chance of anything till olovulation induction in about 5 months time.

Has anyone had any experience with this treatment? Also is this technically ovulation induction anyway as aim getting injections? If this fails and is then wil the ovulation induction fail?
Hi Laura!
I'm pleased you've got a new doctor, and also it's great you'll be doing FSH injections if the letrozole doesn't work, I think that's basically ovulation induction anyway so you might be ovulating in a couple of weeks time!! When are you starting? I'm starting 5mg letrozole on Monday so we can be cycle buddies!
I think the FSH injections are pretty much expected to work because it's injecting the hormone straight into you. Sometimes they have to adjust the dose though! Really hope this is going to start your body off!! Sending you growing thoughts, maybe you can send some my way too!! Xxx
Hey Laura

I am doing the injections at the moment. I think they are pretty good at inducing ovulation. I had them
before and they worked fine, I ovulated on a reasonable low dose, turned out to be ectopic unfortunetly but despite that they did the job. I am on day 7 today and I have to go for a scan tomorrow to make sure follicles are growing nicely and have another booked for Tuesday hopefully my follicle will be big enough to have the trigger shot and release the egg!

Hiya Laura :)

Fingers crossed that it works out this time :clover:

There is a website called FertilityFriends that has a lot of UK people suffering infertility so you might find someone in the same situation. The mods are arseholes but some useful info :)
Tha for the replies girls! Im getting a bit hopeful again but trying not to get too carried away as its so gutting when it goes pear shaped! Ill have a look at fertility friend thanks Lou I have a feeling I have been in there at some point.

Good to hear it worked to make you ovulate Mel, only really sorry about your ectopic! All the best for your scans !!!

Blondy would love to be your cycle buddy. Wont be ready for taking it on Mon though but hopefully by next week. Wont be far behind you! Actually still a bit miffed my dr wont up the dose of letrazole to 5. Are you private or Nhs?

Im sending you massive growth fairies too! Come on letrazole do your thing!!!!
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