Ruby Scotter 24.01.2012


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Hi all ,

Not sure if anyone would be intrestedbut I thought I would start a parenting journal. I think it will be great to look back on as ruby gets older and also to share my experience of parenting with others .

Ruby was 12 days overdue and was born on the 24.01.2012. I gave birth in ormskirk hospital and was taken in at 8am for my induction. Ruby was born @ 10.43 . My labour was really straight forward and I used gas and air and also had a injection of dimorpine which was great lol.

I must admit that's found the first 4 weeks of being a parent extremely hard and found that I got upset quiet a lot , however things do get easier. Ruby is a baby who crys a lot and I found thievery upsetting as I kept thinkingiwas doing things wrong and I was a baby mummy, but when I spoke to the HV she advised me that some baby's just cry a lot and your not doing anything wrong. I did get very upset when we took ruby on a train journey to visit my OH parents...she was crying for about 20mins and some horrible man decided to shout all over the train that I was a bad parent as my baby was I pain and I need to take her the hospital ( there was nothing wrong with her she's just a baby who crys a lot and he was a very impatient ,horrible old man) .

Ruby is currently taking 6oz of Sma extra hurgrymilk ( she's a little fattie lol ) she is feeding every 3 hours during the day and has now began sleeping through the night xxx
Ruby slept through again last night from ten until just after 7 x
Ruby is 9 weeks old today I still can't believe it ... She has a really goodnight last night she has her last bottle at half 9 and was asleep by 10.15 and she woke just after 7 xxx
Had another good night with ruby last nite she went to bed at 9 and woke just after 5 for a bottle. Am going to take her for a walk in the park soon with my nephew as he wants to feed the horses .

I still can't believe am a mummy
had another great night with ruby. She has her last bottle at 9 and slep until just after 7 . she then took 6 oz and went back to sleep until ten. She has been a little grumpy this afternoon . i think she has some trapped wind but nothing seems to hellp today. i have tried gripe water which normally works.

she is currenty yapping away to herself under her baby gym.

we havent done much today we did go for a walk to the shops and she feel asleep but as soon as we got back inside the house she woke straight up, i may take her for another walk today to try and get her alseep . she struggles in the day time to self settle.

ruby and freddie xx


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Had a great night last night ruby was asleep by 10 and didn't wake until half 7 , we will be moving into our first home next week I have been living with my parents and I can't wait to move into my own place. The couch got delivered today and I love it so much lol.

10 weeks and 2 days

I got Ruby weighed today she is spot on 13 lb .

She did start sleep through the night but the past 2 nights she has woke up at around 3 in the morning for a feed. Am also going to up her feeds to 7 oz she is currently taking 6oz but is draining the bottles so I think she definently wants more. She is still feeding every 3 hours during the day.
some pics


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11 weeks and 3 days

Ruby has been ill for the past two days she's had a runny nose and has a cough as well . I have gave her some capol and also some nasel spray .

She is also having around 3 naps a day but she naps for no longer than 30 mins at a time.

Hope my baby gets better soon xxxx
13 weeks

Well we moved house on Sunday and it feels so strange not being at home with my mum and dad . Ruby is doing really well she had her second lot of needles last week and she was a little grumpy for a few days after them , she started messing about with her bottles as well . She normally drains her 6oz bottles but lately she has been leaving at least 2 oz in her morning bottle and in one in her afternoon bottle . She us starting to sleep for longer in the day but still insists on laying on my chest this is a habit I need to get her out of xxxx
Yesterday ruby rolled over for the first time I could not believe it . X

15 weeks and 5 days

I got ruby weighed on Friday and she is now 15'11 .
We went swimming again today and she loves it we stayed in the pool for about 30 mins , when we got out she was so tired as soon as she was in her pram she was asleep.


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I can't believe it ruby is 16 weeks old today . Time seems to be going so fast it's scary. Ruby has her next lot of needles tomorrow which am not looking forward to after her last lot she wasn't herself for a few days .

Today so far ruby has had one twenty min nap but am hoping she will go down or an hour or so around half two at least then I can get my cleaning done . Ruby has been in her jumparoo today and she loves it so much .


16 weeks and 1 day

Poor ruby had her 3rd lot of jabs today she has 3 needles in all 2 in her left leg and one in her right . When the first needle went in she didn't cry at all but when the 2nd one went in all hell broke lose .

She is currently sitting in her bouncer chair chewing on her hand .



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