Scared its all ending ...


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2010
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A few weeks ago I had a bit of brown spotting, once at around 9.30 and then no more .. Until today.

I had really bad sickness as usual this morning and went off to work .. was hvaing a pretty good day and a giggle with my collegues, went to the toilet and there was a trace of yellowy brown discharge when I wiped!

After work I came home and went for another wee, still brown discharge when I wiped ... and slight achy feeling in my abdomen.

Lay down and watched telly for a while before needing the toilet again, this time there was pinky/red discharge and I started to panic .... Have still got achy feeling - no worse - no less.

But since then the soreness in my boobs seems to have stopped although im still nausous.

As its the weekend I cant phone my gp, do you think I should go to the EPU????
Aww hun, sorry you're feeling so frightened. I think you should ring them and see what they say. Hopefully they will be able to offer some comfort to you. Sending you big hugs.xx
Thankyou - it's just so scary as I was feeling fine and it was such a shock to see the blood - I really hope that everything is okay and my LO is just growing and stretching .. only time will tell I guess - trying to remain positive but its hard ...

I can imagine, it must be so scary. I'd be frightened too...but try to remember that if you're not having bad pains, all is not necessarily going wrong. Our bodies do funny things while we're growing our lil beans.xx
I would call midwife or EPAU and press for an early scan as soon as you can, don't take no for an answer....sickness is a good sign and symptoms can come and go....but don't let them fob you off like they have done with me for weeks....your peace of mind is so important otherwise you'll be stressing yourself and you don't want that.

Goodluck, hope they put your mind at rest soon. Keep us posted and try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know) take care xxx
Bunny, a week last tuesday i got somr brown discharge then red blood, only when I wiped. Went to my doctors who referred me to the EPU, I had an internal scan and saw the heartbeat.
The brown discharge continued for the rest of the week, then last saturday I went to the toilet and had loads of red blood on my pad. When I wiped I passed a clot about the size of a 10p piece.
I rang the EPU, who weren't open at weekends, and they booked me in for another scan on Tuesday this week. The person I spoke to said they would expect me to be in quite a lot of pain if I was loosing the baby.
Anyway, the bleeding and discharge continued over the weekend and on Monday. We went for our scan on Tuesday, the woman doing the scan said she wasn't expecting to see anything when she did the scan, but lo and behold there was my baby with the heartbeating still.
They also found a small clot under the sac which is causing the bleeding. I spoke to a nurse afterwards who said that she would expect me to be doubled up in pain if i was losing the baby.
I guess what I'm trying to say is ring your EPU, get booked in for a scan to put your mind at rest. The hospital told me that my sort of bleeding is very common, and the amount of ladies on here who have had bleeding and have healthy normal pregnancies is testament to that.
I keep my fingers crossed for you hun, just try to remember that bleeding and or discharge doesn't necessarily mean it is all over. I wish I had taken my own medicine this time last week when it was happening to me.

Thankyou for your honest replies and sharing your stories with me - I shall try and remain calm and give the EPU a call in the morning and see what happens! I feel a little more reassured now - even though i'm still nervous!

Thanks and i'll let you all know!

Hey Bunny,
Big hugs! I would call EPU too. But the first time I had spotting was at 4 and a half weeks and it was bright red at first and then I had spotting again on two separate days which was pink and then brown. Didn't call for an early scan but already had an appointment booked with gynae before I got pregnant and had a really quick scan at 6 and a half weeks, saw heartbeat and all was normal. Had spotting the next day too. Now I'm 11 weeks and have my scan on Tuesday. Everything seems to be going well. It does seem from being on here that it's very common to have spotting. I know it's horrible, and that horrible sinking feeling when you feel like that's it. Hope EPU can help!
Let us know

X x x x
Thankyou for your honest replies and sharing your stories with me - I shall try and remain calm and give the EPU a call in the morning and see what happens! I feel a little more reassured now - even though i'm still nervous!

Thanks and i'll let you all know!


Hope you get some sleep tonight!
X x x x
Thanks - I hope that if I do get a scan that my LO is safe and that I get to hear the heartbeat!

So sorry you are facing this worry - I really hope everything is ok. If your EPU is shut you could always try the out of hours GP through the weekend, that's what I did and they wanted to see me straight away. xx
So sorry your having to go through all this worry hun, i would call the epu or your gp just to put you mind at rest but as all the other ladies have said spotting can be quite normal. Hope you got some rest last night :hugs: x x

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This is such a worry when this happens. I had spotting myself last wednesday and was hysterical. I had an early scan and saw heartbeat. The nurse told me that it was just some of the 'normal' unexplained spotting that occurs in pregnancy. Hope everythings ok.

Hi, well to update you all .. I called the EPU although they were shut for the weekend - I got to speak to a nurse .. she said that it wasnt self refferal and that I would have to speak to my GP or midwife.

So I rang the out of hours doctors and got a callback from a really lovely nurse who explained everything to me and booked me in for a check up at the local hospital.

Although I didnt get to have a scan - the nurse took a wee test - which was all okay - a small amount of protein but nothing worrying.

She had a feel around and said everything felt fine and I wasnt in pain when she touched my stomach. My blood pressure was very low, but it always is - when ive had operations in the past I take ages to come around from anesthetic and pass out a lot!!

So unless I get any more bleeding she believes everything is fine and to rest, drink lots of fluids and eat lots of fruit and veg haha!

Thanks to everyone for your kind and lovely messages - fingers crossed everything will go ok from now on!!

Glad the hospital seen you and everything is ok hun. Fingers crossed that the spotting stays away. Make sure you get plenty of rest and get your OH to look after you x x

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Glad everything went well, now try to rest hun xxx

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