Seating solutions


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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T bag currently resides in her bouncy chair for a lot of the time she is awake. She loves it and quite often naps in there. Trouble is, as she's a heffalump it's almost bent double under her weight :( we shall be parting company soon.

I need something else to sit her in that sits her fairly upright (reflux) while she's still growing. I have a snug but she can't sit in that all day. Ideally something that rocks or moves but not essential.

Any recommendations? I wish this chair was a bit sturdier :(
We kinda have the same problem, we have been using his highchair, it moves up and down and reclines. tbh he is sitting unaided now so dont really have much use for a bouncy chair other than when I am getting his food!!!
A high chair? A jamperoo?a walker?
Vince has outgrown everything very quickly too, it's either the Jumperoo or highchair for us, BabyBjorn if desperate measures are needed.
i was going to say jumparoo, they look quite good!
She's not holding up her head enough for me to sit her in a jumperoo for lengthy periods, neither is she ready for a highchair either just yet :(

It's not going to last long but I need another bouncer or rocker of some sort. Or I toyed with a beanbag but I know she likes the rocking action
my mum has one at her house for harry think she got it in argos and its a pretty stirdy rocking chair rather than bouncy chair
I'm having same probs, how big/what age is she Torino? I try him I high chair and it swallows him and he can't really do much x
She is 13 weeks today and weight 15lb 13 a week ago :shock: she's a big girl. Lol
We got a bright starts baby to toddler rocker chair instead of a bouncer, it's really good and the seat can adjust to sitting right up or laying back like a bouncer

It's this one
We have a fisher price swing which also can b fixed in a static position for feeding or just chilling. It plays music and has a calming vibrations setting too. It's part of the rainforest collection (like the play gym) and has an elephant and monkey which dangle overhead but can b removed too. Think it was called 'space saver swing' coz it folds up (although we have never done this). Am pretty sure it goes up to 9kg so might b a good solution for u xx
Look at that 3 suggestions for the same thing at the same time!! VEry in sync!!
Hun we have the baby bjorn bouncer which can be used til they're 2 as it has 3 different height settings

Pricey but we got one as all the. Other bouncers we looked at only last til their 6 months or a certain weight

There's always lots on eBay (we've been looking for for a second one for my mums)
Not many people heard of these but been amazing for my refluxer called a tummy with mummy x

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