Sex - Does it cause miscarriage?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Just wondering if sex in First trimester causes miscarriage, My sex drive has increased by loads since being pregnant

Just worried about Miscarriage as I have wanted this baby for so long x
im 14 wks with baby number 3 and have always had sex in the 1st tri i didnt even know it was a prob till i sarted coming on here and seen ppl saying they were waitin till after the 12wk scan but i've never had any problems after it. I've never had any bleeding with any so i've been lucky i think everybodys diffrent but i would just do what you think is best xxxxx
I dont think it will harm the baby Im just scared that the banging on my cervix will scare it and it will die :(
Hi hon, no medical reason not to have sex - what you may have seen spome of us saying is that where we have previously mis-carried that we are avoiding sex until end of Tri 1. Its an added precaution where we have had probs. With my first we had sex throughout tri 1 and no probs at all
Hope this helps
Karen xxx
sex is fine hun, as Karen said, it is more to do with the paranioa of previous MC, that said, sometime u can blled a little after sex which is absolutely fine, but better to let ur MW/GP know, and they would probably suggest refraining until a bit further along....
otherwise enjoy the hormones before the sickness sets in :D
Think Its starting, I feel sick but dont actually be sick lol x
All my books say it is perfectly safe x
We had sex throughout the 1st tri with my daughter and had no problems but after m/c last year we've decided not to have sex till 2nd tri! I'm missing it so much though but don't want to risk it :(
My mw told me sex was fine, but if there was any bleeding afterward (she said this was highly unlikely though!) then to let her or one of the other mw's know.

I didn't fancy it at all in the first tri, make the most of the libido while it's still there lol!!
hey with my 1st i had sex throughout all was fine just be gentle, now with my 2nd im paranoid about everything so im same boat as u my libido has increased but my head doesnt wana do anything just incase, oon the joys of pregnancy paranoia.., every little twinge or cramp i freak out lol and most times its something silly like wind, bring on the 12 week scan xxxxxx
I know :D I cant wait till the 12 week scan then atleast we know everythings safe, well not exactly everything because their could be birth problems or anything :) Think i might just have sex 1-2 times a week instead of the full seven like normal ( i sound like a rabbitt dont i ) xx
Ladies! Shuuussssshhhhhhhh!

I know all the books say it's OK but it's working as an amazing excuse in our house!
I've been advised by mw not to, but that's because of reccurent miscarriages. With my first (and I mc before her) we did it in the first tri, but as I have had 3 now we have decided to wait.I think more than anything it's because it may cause spotting, so it's more for my mental well being than actually miscarrying.

If you fancy it, do it, just be gentle.
Thanks for the info ladies :)

I'm charlene's OH if you didn't know :D
I heard sex actually helps get oxygen to the baby, especially when the lady has an orgasm!

Oh well...I suppose I could just pump oxygen up there using a tube...
Personally, I'd do it, but be gentle about it.

Oh, and don't forget, there's other ways about "enjoying yourselves" without actual penetration, if you're worried ;)
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