

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I am already thinking about it :oooo:
Still early days and still a little bit sore but i seem to be healing pretty well!
How long from when you gave birth did you wait to have sex and did it hurt?
Also did it feel the same?
Dont worry, it was on my mind too!

We done it around 4 weeks afterwards - this is how long I bled for, so didnt really fancy it untill after it had stopped. It didnt hurt, but I would suggest being nice and relaxed, as you are bound to be tense! I dont think it felt amazingly different...not sure from a mans point of view, havent had the balls to ask him yet!
Thanks, my bleeding has nearly stopped...or it seems to of. I've only just had a feel of my stitches been too scared and i can feel where its been stitched... it didn't really feel sore either. Definitely gonna be scared before we do it though! I will be asking him if its different straight away lol not that he will say its worse or anything so maybe no point in asking lol ... knowing my luck my midwife will of only half stitched me on spite the bitch she was haha. xxx
We tried after 2 weeks but too painful after 3 weeks was ok but still very sore. Xx
we tried about four weeks after , but I was too nervous (so not relaxed enough for it to work) . But about five weeks after it was fine I just found we needed to take it slowly for a while .
I'm gonna be terrified lol! Can't wait until things are back to normal. Thanks girls. xxx
Dont want to put you off Shauna but my stitches did get a bit more painful after a while and my bleeding went and came back - so id make sure youre definately ok before going ahead? Im still bleeding a bit so we havent done it yet but to be honest i want to lose a bit more weight and make our first time since Ifan more special :) x
I thought my bleeding was stopping at about 3 weeks but it went on until about 9 weeks! We had sex then - slowly but all felt fine and the same and hubby said felt same to him too xx
Yeah i think i will hold off as long as i can. I stopped bleeding a few days ago, my stitches don't hurt anymore but now and again they can feel a little uncomfortable but tends to be after i go to the toilet, not painful though. At the minute i am starting to wonder if i will even think about sex in the same way again after whats gone on down there lol. xxx
I had a section so you would think nothing changed down there , but it was all a bit different position wise, think all had moved even tho baby came out the sunroof, was a bit strange and a letdown at 4 weeks after , so worth waiting till you feel great Shauna - enjoy
I never knew it would be different after a section... thank you for the advice, think i will wait. xxx
Shauna , I know you dont feel it now . I remember it all too well, but you WILL feel normal again I promise xxx
I had a section so you would think nothing changed down there , but it was all a bit different position wise, think all had moved even tho baby came out the sunroof, was a bit strange and a letdown at 4 weeks after , so worth waiting till you feel great Shauna - enjoy

Even tho baby came out the sunroof!! Tehe ur mad! :) x

I had sex around 5 weeks but wanted it the day after labour haha. I had a 2nd degree and labia tear, it was painful but if you stay relaxed its bearable and can be enjoyable. Done it a couple of times since but still painful for me, hoping it gets easier. On the upside when it does feel good, inbetween the pain, it feels AMAZING, far better than before labour ;) xx
I like the far better than before labour! Haha, hope its the same for me!! Just over 3 week since i give birth. xxx
Well i didnt think id be saying this but we did the deed last night! Cant believe i only had Ifan about 4 weeks ago - my bits feel fine now and it didnt hurt a bit :) horray!! lol x
:yay: Whys everyone getting sex apart form me lmao! Hope it feels normal for me too. xxx
haha! well it was our first night out too so having a drink helped lol! x
Ah yeah probably would of with me too lol! Can't wait to have a drink haven't had one yet apart from a glass of blue wicked i never enjoyed lol! xxx

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