should i be worried?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
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hi ive seemingly been on for just over a week now but its nothing like my normal flow, its been mostly a brownish discharge with a little blood mixed in, normally i have a fairly heavy flow but this time ive barely needed to use pads, most of it comes when i wipe (sorry if tmi :oops:) i just want to know if anyone else has ever had this and if i should be worried about it.

also about 2 1/5 years ago i had something similar and it lasted a whole month when i went to the dr's about it they did a blood test but i never heard anything back from them. do you think i should go see my dr about it?

would be greatful for any advice anyone has
If its happened before and the docs didn't get back to you after a blood test, then everything must of been ok, but if I was you I would do a pg test and if neg then pop along to your docs and let them know whats happened. Its best to get checked again :hug:
i did do a pg test the day before i came on (it was negative) as at the time i thought i might be 2 weeks late, but my af is all over the place at times so i didnt think too much of it at first but im thinking now i should get an appointment, i just wanted to know if anyone else has had similar (i realy hate going to my dr's i always feel like im waisting their time) and if they had it might save me a trip.
thank you anyway :)
I know how you feel hun, I never go to docs, hubby canes me over it, but I dont see the point of going over all the time for silly things. If your cycle is that irregular, then it might be a small bleed before a bigger one. I would still go if I was you, just for peace of mind more than anything, especially if your TTC. :hug:

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