Should I try counselling before IVF cycle #2


Nov 5, 2018
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Hello fellow TTC-ers :)

We're on a little break after failed 1st IFV in Aug before trying again in Nov. This will be our last NHS funded IVF so would really like to optimise our chances as I don't think we will go for IVF again after that.

My main question is whether I should try counselling before starting cycle #2. My problem is that I cannot imagine ever getting pregnant (we've been trying 4 years). I need to get pregnant to be able to believe it. And it hasn't happened yet. Should I talk to someone about it? Or do you think it won't make any difference as IVF is a hormone controlled lucky dip anyway?

Thanks x
I think it’s a good idea. Even if, as you say, it can’t biologically sway the odds in your favour, it might be able to put you in a better place mentally to deal with whatever outcome you end up with :)
I am sorry to know yr IVF failed. It mainly depends on the reasons why IVF failed. If implantation is the issue, I would recommend considering PGS NGS, if eggs are poor quality, ovarian rejuvenation or acupuncture might be one of options. I would advise to talk to your doc to see what can be done to boost your chances of success.
Hello fellow TTC-ers :)

We're on a little break after failed 1st IFV in Aug before trying again in Nov. This will be our last NHS funded IVF so would really like to optimise our chances as I don't think we will go for IVF again after that.

My main question is whether I should try counselling before starting cycle #2. My problem is that I cannot imagine ever getting pregnant (we've been trying 4 years). I need to get pregnant to be able to believe it. And it hasn't happened yet. Should I talk to someone about it? Or do you think it won't make any difference as IVF is a hormone controlled lucky dip anyway?

Thanks x
Hello Sweets, I think it is a very good idea to talk to someone. Are you thinking a professional counselor of some sort? Yes, you should. Whatever the outcome, you will have a strong support. So you only have two cycles of NHS funding?
It may be good for you mentally but do you know the reason why the 1st round failed?
There are things you can do physically to make you stronger too x
Hello Sweets, I think it is a very good idea to talk to someone. Are you thinking a professional counselor of some sort? Yes, you should. Whatever the outcome, you will have a strong support. So you only have two cycles of NHS funding?
Thank you Paige. I ended not getting counselling but might take it up if the 2nd IVF fails too. Yes we got 2 cycles of NHS (2 fresh and 2 frozen) but unfortunately didn't get any embryos to freeze.. At the moment in 2 ww on 2nd fresh cycle.
It may be good for you mentally but do you know the reason why the 1st round failed?
There are things you can do physically to make you stronger too x
Hi Chattychar1990,
1st round failed because we didn't have any good quality blastocysts..they did day 5 transfer with the best 2 embryos there were but they weren't where they were supposed to be in their development. They were average/low quality.
I got over stimulated, 18 eggs collected, 15 fertilised and in the end 2 that got transferred. None for freezing.
I had acupuncture on regular basis and just before and after EC and ET.
No acupuncture on this round x
Thank you Paige. I ended not getting counselling but might take it up if the 2nd IVF fails too. Yes we got 2 cycles of NHS (2 fresh and 2 frozen) but unfortunately didn't get any embryos to freeze.. At the moment in 2 ww on 2nd fresh cycle.
That's okay so long as you are feeling better. Have you done your testing? How was it? Sending you lots of love!<3

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