Sickness!!!! :~


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2012
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Hi ladies. :)
My god I feel sick this morning... :( anyone else?! Xxx
how many weeks are you? with my dd sickness started at 6 weeks and was so bad I didn't know what to do with myself - and so many smells and tastes set it off worse. I know how you feel :(

thankfully no i dont feel sick. mines died down around 7 weeks - only got sore boobs now lol, sickness comes and goes through out pregnancy, try to keep eating :D xxxx
I'm 7 1/2 weeks, mine started at exactly 6 weeks too! I'm not complaining just finding it quite hard today! It's been awful today, keep trying to eat dry food and sip water but comes straight back. :( yukky! My boobs are sore too russellmuscle, not quite sure when to look in to getting a bigger bra. :/ xx
i lost a lot of weight recently so i still fit into my old E bras lol, so when I start to spill I will get some sports bras and mat bras, sexy ones of course!
Iv gone up a size so far already lol! There are some really pretty looking ones in mothercare. :) xx
I lost weight before I fell pregnant lol so I will be putting it all back on Im sure, I moved house before and was totes stressed out and I think thats why I lost so much weight, plus I hadnt had a takeaway in like 6 months lol. I was a 12, down to a 10 .. Ill probably go to a ... 20 maybe ? lolol jk! I will check those bras out, thanks ;) xxx

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