Signs of Ovulation


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hi everyone

It's my first month TTC and I am assuming I must be close to ovulation as I am currently mid cycle, however my AF can be quite irregular. Been keeping check of my CM but not really seen any change over the past week. Ordered some OPK's at the weekend but they are still to arrive. Are there any other signs I should be looking for that would signal that I am about to ovulate? And is it possible to ovulate really early or late in your cycle?

Been BD'ing everyday just incase but it would be reassuring to know that I am actually ovulating.
Erm..well, how I know I'm OV hun is just through the EWCM and slight pain round my ovary area...I started doing OPK's this month and I OV'd around the same time I was estimated to, only a day or 2 earlier...I think everyone is different as to when they OV but luckily I seem to be a run of the mill 12-14 dayer...hopefully someone else will be more help with that side of it...good luck!!
I am the same as jarjar. My cycle isn't very reg like yours and the OVK's are good. I use the dig clear blue ones and start testing around day 8. Oh and i also find i get a little bit hotter around OV also!! x
i know im ovulating because i get EWCM, pos on the OPK and i get a pain near my ovarys too.
as you come up to ovulation your cervix should be soft, high and open. you can use the BBT, but that will tell you that you have ovulated, not that your approching ovulation.
women also feel sexier around ovulation, and men are meant to be more attracted to us
:) xx
Hiya, the first few months we were trying I used ovulating test kits to tell me, but when you have been obsessively aware of what your body is doing for a few months you will start to know without needing the kits.

My personal signs are: my sex drive shoots up, I even find the weather man attractive, mild lower abdominal pain, the 'egg white' is the most definite sign, I can feel that one a day or two before it even happens, it lasts almost exactly 3 days, this is my high fertility window, backed up by the fact the tests agreed with it when i was doing them.

You will come to spot your own triggers. Just be as obsessive as the rest of us ;-) Listen to your body, it will tell you the old fashioned way, better than any test I promise xx
Hey Kizzy

I have been on the pill since I was a teen (am now 29) and I came off in April, I experienced my first ovulation on the bank holiday and even though I have never had one before (that I can remember) I could tell something was up, my sex drive increased much to DH delight, I had a pain on just the right side of my lower belly and I had one day of EWCM, the 3 days leading up to that my CM was more creamy (sorry tmi), so even for a newbie you can spot the signs if you know what to look out for x

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