Six weeks and no symptoms


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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Hi all. I'm starting to get a little worried. I'm six weeks pregnant and have had no symptoms apart from a few abdominal stretching pains and I think I'm a bit bloated. I'm sure when I was preg with my DS that I'd started to have sore boobs and sickness by now but I've had none of that. Just wondering if this is normal and whether anyone else has experienced it?
I think you are totally normal. Remember that not everyone gets morning sickness or even nausea and you may not even get sore boobs (perhaps in a few weeks you might).

Totally normal,

Ive had exactly the same thing. I had morning sickness from 3 weeks to 6 weeks and very slight sore boobs but after 6 weeks all my symptoms disappeared. Im counting myself lucky. I am getting quite tired but thats about it really.

Ive been told that everyone is different, try not to worry, having no symptoms doesnt mean anything is wrong with baby, it means your one of the lucky ones!

Tiggy xx
I've hardly had any symptoms- slight nausea when I got hungry in weeks 7-8 and sore boobs around week 5 but that's about it! I count myself lucky as I'm able to carry on with life as normal (well almost!) and I feel fab! I also sleep better at night because I'm naturally tired but not getting totally wiped out during the day either which is good. My sister is pregnant too- about 11 weeks and she's really struggling she seems to be having my share of sickness and exhaustion!

Enjoy feeling well! :D
I am almost 11 weeks and have not had many symptoms at all, apart from the odd headache and feeling very tired. I, too was worried, but apparently it is more common than we think. I also spoke to my mum and she was the same with 2 of her children. I feel the best i have felt in quite a few months!

Dont worry, you are one of the lucky ones. Enjoy it while you can.
Don't worry, as Angela123 said enjoy it while you can. I've hardly had any symptoms and I saw my healthy looking baby yesterday :cheer:
I was the exact same - moaning to hubby that I didn't feel pregnant due to lack of symptoms then week7 hit and I've felt roten ever since :puke:

Feel sick all day every day and the tiredness is killing me. So tired during the day that I could sleep at my desk but awake all night :? :?

Enjoy your lack of symptoms while they last :D :D :D
like the other girls say...enjoy mum had no even hear of people who go 5 months without knowing...or longer...
you are one of the lucky ones, im off work at the mo and feel unable to function....enjoyxx

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