so often

Riley's Mommy

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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another one from me im afraid.

Riley seems to be feeding alot recently. and not staying on for long. his feed this morning, he had 5mins, then unlatched and didnt want it back again.

i dont mind feeding him more often. but when i am in so much pain doing it, its not good :(

surely he isnt gettin enough in 5mins?
How often is he feeding?

Alex used to have short feeds at first and as he's gotten older they're lasting longer (he's on at the mo) . Ella on the other hand would feed for up to an hour at a time.

What I found with Alex is that he used to have a lot of green poos when he was feeding frequently and for shorter durations, so if that happens don't freak it's normal. :lol:

Are you still as sore as you were?
has he burped enough?

if yes, it could be that he's just thirsty, or wants a little snack, as opposed to a proper meal. he might just want comforting :)

millies like that, she can go on for 2 minutes, 5, 10, 30 or 60! :shock:

hope the pain goes, sounds like ur doing really well :hug:
Austin did that for a few days when he was younger, he'd feed for 5 mins, wait 10 mins, then feed again. I drove me mad but apparently it helps stimulate more milk production if they feed more regularly.

You're doing great, it will get better!
Grace has always been a little and often girl...............

During the day she will feed from 5 - 10 mins ......... maybe even 15 at a push and at night only ever 10 mins maximum..........

I was worried about it too at first but HV said that some babies are just like that...

Grace has always put on weight well and is such a happy and content baby that I have stopped worrying............
you know what kelso me and you are having same worries..

i thought bailey wasnt getting enough from me cos he is feeding so often...

had my mind put at rest today hes put on 4 oz's in 4 days
thanks ladies. he is weeing and pooing well, so i guess he is getting what he needs. its just frustrating when he wants it more often and it hurts.

he has about 10mins during the day now (although 5mins this morning) then wants it 2hrs later. and tends to wake up in the evening wanting it everu 30mins-1hr. he seems to play catch up in the evening.

he just likes to sleep during the day, and sometimes have to wake him up to feed.

im still rediculously sore. it hurts so much :(

how long did it last for you ladies? he is 2weeks on friday, i hope it isnt longer
how long did it last for you ladies? he is 2weeks on friday, i hope it isnt longer

By the time Ella was about 4 weeks it was sooooo much better :hug: In the evenings babies tend to be quite fussy and cluster feed as that's when your supply is at its lowest. When he gets a bit older he'll be using this time to stock up for the evening so he sleeps a little longer between feeds. I used to wake Alex in the day if he went too long so he got used to feeding lots in the day and would then hopefully sleep a bit longer at night. 2 hourly feeding is normal at this age as their tummies are so tiny they can't hold too much milk and because breastmilk is digested really quickly. Babies have lots of growth spurts as well, around 10-14 days, 4 weeks, 6-8 weeks, 3 months and 4 months if I remember correctly are prime growth spurt time.
You're doing really well :hug:
i do usually wake him up after 2 hours, in the hope that he doesnt eat me alive in the evening, and that he sleeps well at night.

he is sleeping abit too well at the moment. i give him his say 2am feed. set my alarm for 4hrs later. and i end up sleeping through the alarm :wall: and he doesnt wake up. he went 6hrs again this am. im worried he wont put on enough weight :( i really need to get a decent alarm to make sure i wake up.

he is awake atm. which is rare. as usually he is so sleepy in the morning. maby his pattern is changing a little again.
i had the breast feeding support lady round yesterday to answer my worries about constant feeding..

this is what she said..

Between the weeks of 1-6 they havent established breast feeding as yet, by the time they get to 6 weeks it will be eastablished and all constant feeding should settle down..

when he has a feed and doesnt stay on long ie 5 mins, change his bum and try again.. also as to why they could be feeding every 1-2 hours is because they are not on long enough to get the hind milk which is more satisfying to the baby.. so longer they stay on the more hind milk they get so should last longer between feeds... .

hope that helps a little for you

i have been doing this now since she left and i must admit changing bums wakes him up more so he wants more feeds, and because of this, hes been going 3-4 hours!

good luck keep trying it wont last much longer till hes in a proper routine!
thanks hun. i have been doing that (changing bum/ giving him a break. he usually does go bk on again. but i get reluctant at times because of the pain. but ive beenb forcing myself. he is on again now. 3rd time since getting up at 8am.

i just saw it spurt too, when re latching him because he wasnt on propperly. so he must be getting a good amount :)
If the baby get's too full on fore milk he might give up before the hind milk starts - the HV suggested expressing a little (say 5 mins) before feeding every other time and see how that goes. This helps them gain weight too. A friend of mine did it when her LO was only gaining 2 oz a week and pooing for England. It worked almost immediately. Although it was a pain for her to express before, expecially when baby was screaming. Might be worth a try though.
Is riley falling asleep after 5 mins..Dylan was sleepy when born as a result of him having jaundice and i used to have to strip him off down to his nappy to wake him up to feed
I've just remembered, my breastfeeding counsellor said that if he feeds within half hour or so of finishing his last feed try putting him on the same boob again as he will get more fatty hind milk which will satisfy him more.

How's it going? I think it took 3 weeks with Austin to really settle down ?& not hurt as much.
my left nipple especially looks red raw. and my right is really painful also. it could be positioning, but he looks like he is latchin on properly. and when he lets go, he sometimes does it gradually, so i have to break his seal as it hurts, and it looks like he is getting a good amount.

i dont know how much more i can take. ive brought a breast pump to express some for the evening/night. risky i know, but i dont have much other choice at the moment. :(
aww babes..

could you not go to a breast feeding support group, or contact your midwifery team to see if they can send a support worker out to you, they can help with latching and positions, and help you to get it right ..

your doing really well, dont give up hope, could just be that hes learning to and will take some time to get adjusted to it,

what kind of positions are you doing, i use the 1 hand under the head, turn there body slighty towards you and latch on that way! its been helping me loads..

bailey has settled down now loads and is going 2-3 hours which im so relived about, and my boobs have finally settled down.. maybe you just need that little bit of support and you will both get there :hug: :hug: :hug:

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