So sorry to keep pestering you... More questions..


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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As i started miscarriage yesterday i thought id better wear a pad overnight just incase. I woke up with the pad clean but a lot more blood when i wipe. Exactly like a period. What im needing to know is, firsly, when do i expect the "gush" and will it be bad as in uncontrolable? Secondly what do i look out for when passing the stuff? Im 7 wks and only the sac is there, no baby ever formed.
Just wanted to say how sorry I am for you. I had a miscarriage at the weekend so can understand how heartbreaking it is :hug: :hug: :hug:

I started spotting on Friday. It was very light (pink) and no pain at all. When I woke up Saturday morning is was bright red but like you only when I wiped and still no pain. By saturday night it was more like a heavy period, although I wouldn't say there was ever a 'gush'. But I started getting really strong period and back pains and lots of clotting. By Sunday I would describe it as a very heavy period, quite a lot of pain (but ok with paracetamols) and very heavy clotting.
Since Tuesday is has been very light and has stopped now.
I was told that if you have pain on one side, feel dizzy or have to change your towel every hour then you should go to A&E.

Sending huge hugs to you hun :hug:
Aww im sorry to hear that hun:-( Im actually having very dull period feeling aches but nothing to even take a painkiller for. Ive heard of so many people talking about gushing and i just know what with my extreme health anxiety, im gonna go off the scale. The nurse at the hospital said id have heavy bleeding but after a day it should settle down a lot but if not then im to go straight to hos. Thing is many people bleed heavy for days even weeks! Im so scared!
when i lost bean at 11 weeks i hemoragged really badly (the gush your on about, only it was like all my insides falling out, sorry to be graphic) but when i lost peanut at 5 weeks i only bled for 3 days like it was a very heavy period, no gush atal. how long have you been bleeding for? if it hasnt happend in a few days then u may not get that "gush". hopfully u wont.

when did they say it stopped growing? becuase if it was very early i wouldnt expect more than a heavy period. hope ur coping ok babe. here if u wana chat, just pm me. xx
Thanks hun. The sac had grown 3mm since two weeks ago making it 10mm which they would expect it to be 20mm for 7 wks. No fetus had ever grown so its just the sac thats present.
so sorry for your loss.
I lost a absy around the same time and this was how it started.

I started bleeding on the wednesday, which was quite light at first. That carried on through thursday, and started to get heavier on the friday. I passed a few big clots, and then the sac and the placenta came away. The really heavy bleeding started after that, while I was waiting to be seen in the hospital.

:hug: :hug:
with the first at 9 weeks:

i started spotting the Friday, brown stuff when i wiped this lasted about a week on and off. the following saturday (8 days later) Saturday it seemed to stop. Sunday it picked up again but was more pink. Told my paretns that sunday night. Monday morning i went to work, went to the loo and was bleeding bright red. I went home and to the docs who booked me a scan the next day.
The monday night i started bleeding heavy, started getting waves of pain. I then felt the baby coming out (sorry TMI), Passed the baby then a few more large clots. Then bled heavy, changing about twice and hour. This lasted till the wednesday, then it kinda just stopped within the day.

With the second at 5 weeks:

Very similar situation (although i didnt click on). Spotted for 10 days, then lost the baby Friday lunch time...again i got wwaves of pain in my back, this time i had to pull 2/3 big clots out (sorry again for TMI). Bled again badly over the afternoon (5 pads in 2 hours) and over night at lee's (never seen him look so scared). Then it stopped the next day pretty much.

Both were complete but i am still losing small clots now amost 6 months later

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