some people shouldnt have children....

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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I work in a secondary school and i have just sent home a little year 7 student who is clearly not well. Mum has given her a couple of tablets and brought her back. her teacher will not allow her in his lesson as she is really unwell. have been told by other staff that know the mother, that she doesnt like her day interrupted by her child.

makes me so angry. i have her crying with me now :x :x :x
i know there are so many children with stories that will break your heart, and they are so strong.
thats awful. i feel relly sorry for that little girl :cry: . remember when you were poorly when you were little and all you wanted was a cuddle and some sympathy?

i wish you could send her to me, i would find time to give her attention and sympathy. aaaaaaaaawww, i feel sorry for her :(

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww, thats sad :cry: If Beth's school phone me to pick her up if she's ill, i practically run there (im an over-the-top paranoid mother, lol) and i love getting her home and snuggling her up on the sofa and spoiling her.

That poor little girl, she probably just wants her mum when shes not well, and her mum can't be bothered :x
That poor little girl, she probably just wants her mum when shes not well, and her mum can't be bothered :x[/quote]

i know it is awful.

Joshua, who is five, hit his head at school, big scratch, and the school didnt let us know. i phoned and wrote a letter to the school, that if Joshua sustained any injury especially to the head, then we were to be notified immediately.

mind you, i do work in the medical room and we do have a lot of fakers.
poor little girl, have you still got her in school?
that poor little lamb, that bloody woman is pathetic, if you cant be arsed to look after your kids then dont bloody have them!!! :x
i know and it makes my bloody boil, theres ppl like me who are ttc and finding it hard and people like that who take their kids for granted :wall:
aww poor little girl :(
when ur little and ill all u want is cuddles from ur mum
hope she feels better soon
It is awful some of the things you learn about parents when u teach, i have had parents that we know for a fact do not answer phones when we ring just so they dont have to fetch their children, we had one little boy fall on some glass and got a really bad cut on his hand, we phoned for an ambulance and then phoned his mum and all we got was i will get to the hospital when i have time, it ended up a teacher having to go and fetch his mum after nearly an hour and this child was only 6 :wall:
mary70 said:
It is awful some of the things you learn about parents when u teach, i have had parents that we know for a fact do not answer phones when we ring just so they dont have to fetch their children, we had one little boy fall on some glass and got a really bad cut on his hand, we phoned for an ambulance and then phoned his mum and all we got was i will get to the hospital when i have time, it ended up a teacher having to go and fetch his mum after nearly an hour and this child was only 6 :wall:
omg thats horrid if it was hope id run to the hospital
same here...i cant understand some parents :x

When i was TTC i was always seeing kids out and about in shops and stuff getting smacked or screamed abuse at when it didnt seem that they'd done anything to deserve it. I hated it. Its always the people who only have to look at each other and they have a baby on the way who don't appreciate them :( I would never treat Beth like an inconvenience.

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