SPD and homebirth


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Did anyone here have SPD but still get approval for a home birth? I had a pretty serious episode yesterday and my pelvis came way out of line. I had been planning on asking my midwife about a homebirth on the 18th, but now I'm scared I will be shot down! I have read that waterbirths are especially good for SPD, but I don't know if they'll be too worried about something happening to allow me to stay home.
I had spd and had a homebirth.

here is more info
SPD is a painful condition which can occur when the pelvic ligaments soften during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones cause these ligaments to relax, which allows movement of the pelvic bones during birth. Some women's ligaments soften more than others, and a great degree of softening can cause instability of the pelvic joints, and particularly the pubic symphysis, which is a joint at the front of the pelvis. While it can make pregnancy painful, it can certainly make labour easier as the pelvic ligaments stretch easily to allow the baby's head to pass through. It does not necessarily make labour more painful, although it can do. It is often recommended that women with this condition avoid having an epidural, because if anaesthetised below the waist, they may open their legs too wide, which can make the condition worse. For more info, see discussions on SPD from the UK Midwifery Archives. I suffer from this condition myself and, while I curse it in pregnancy, I love the 2-5 minute second stages it gives me in labour!
from here
You should be fine. Plus its not a case of them not 'allowing' a homebirth. They may advise against it however. It is up to you to do your research and be informed as to the homebirth options and so on as Doctors/consultants etc don't get involved in homebirths at all and are focused on the medical aspect within a hospital environment. They won't be able to explain the benefits of a homebirth at all. They will focus on the negatives I have found. As to what you then decide to do is up to you :) I personally would opt for a homebirth if I had SPD. I loved my homebirth and unless there were serious medical reasons to birth in hospital I'd opt for homebirth again in a heartbeat. I went against medical advice and had a homebirth fwiw and it was wonderful. Registrars and Consultant really painted a doom and gloom picture of why I should deliver in hospital but I trusted my body and instincts and am glad I chose to ignore their advice :D

You can buy a birth pool for homebirth :)

Have you seen the homebirth site btw? And the info about SPD and homebirth there?


Hopefully you have a supportive MW who deals in homebirthing and will be able to explain more to you.
I just wanted to warn you, because I went into hospital on crutches they wouldn't let me use the pool :cry: I had my heart set on going in the water so I could move and be in less pain from the SPD but they don't have a hoist here so if there had been an emergency it would have taken 6 or 7 midwives to get me out. I did say that OH would be able to get me out but they were having none of it. So if you decide to go for a hospital birth and want to use the pool, find out if they have a hoist and if they don't make every effort to walk and don't take in crutches.
i had SPd with all my pregnancies. And for my 4th i had a home birth no problem.
The midwife just said it may hurt more which it did but that may have been becasue of the 10 pound baby that came out and not the SPD. :lol:

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