spotting AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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as the title says i started spotting again today only when i wiped but i was still worried so went to the hospital and they done another scan ect and all was fine baby was measuring up at 17 weeks and 1 day and im only supposed to be 15 weeks, they said the spotting could be to do with the water infection ive just had or where i keep coughing really bad or because the placenta is quite low at the moment. anyway at least baby was ok and i can stop worrying for abit now.
anyone else had spotting through their pregnancies? if so did it keep happening all the way through?
My friend had spotting all the way through and my sister in law also bled later on. Both had lovely healthy babies!

Claire x
I still had a monthly bleed until I was about 13 weeks I think it was.
Sorry to hear you are spotting and little baby is not letting you relax. I am glad that everything was ok at your scan. Are they going to give you extra scans as you get further along?
Hi hun glad everythings ok! I had a bleed at 19 weeks, i bled for a week and was kept in hospital
and scanned twice and had an internal they said they thought it was cervical erosion- after the bleeding stopped i
had a small bit of blood anytime i had sex so i put a stop to the old nookie-and i was fine for the rest of the pregnancy-
some people spot all the way through and are fine.some women still have bleeding whenever they would have been having a period my sonographer told me at the time!
hope this makes you feel a bit better hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
:(sorry you had that it must be really scary.
Iv been lucky and not had it. hopefully this will be last time for you.

being put forward is great though!!
even if your jumping the queue now !
thanx girls
im not getting anymore extra scans (well was supposed to have one next week at my consultant appointment but can't now) unless the consultant wants me to go for extra ones.
even though baby is measuring bigger they still want me to go by my first scan as its more acurate apparrently.
hopefully i won't get any more spotting, god im gonna be a nervous wreck by the end of this pregnancy
Im glad everything ok hun!! :hug: :hug:
I spotted twice with Joseph!
Its a shame they havent put you forwards :think: Thats not fair!? If you are 17 weeks then if you go overdue by two weeks, you will really be 4 weeks over!?!?!? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
lea m said:
Its a shame they havent put you forwards :think: Thats not fair!? If you are 17 weeks then if you go overdue by two weeks, you will really be 4 weeks over!?!?!? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

i know i wish they had put me forward, but then they did say because baby was moving around so much it may not be that accurate, oh well i probley won't go over due anyway hopefully :pray:
Yeh :pray:
I know I probably will hahaha all my others were late!
Hope you stop spotting hunny - baby not giveing you an easy pregnancy hey? hehe -take care darlin :hug:
I've been spotting all the way through, even had period like pain every so often.... I even had a show a few weeks ago which was scary.... everything OK though.

Everyone I have spoken to has been through similar so I'm a bit more relaxed about it now. I used to be at the docs everytime I spotted :roll: he'll think I've fallen out with him cos it's been a few weeks since I went :D

H x x

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