

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I'm 8 weeks today - started spotting at 6 weeks and had a scan at 7, everything was fine, with heartbeat. Spotting stopped last week but last night it came back - it's brown and small amounts when I go to the loo but it's doing my head in, I just want it to stop! Also had very mild aches on both sides whilst laying in bed.....any reassurance much appreciated!

Thanks xx
hiya, im exacly the same as you/.
ive had spotting for about 6 weeks now.. and the other week it calmed down but last couple of days its come back as it was..
i also went for an early scan and everything was fine - heartbeat n everything.
it happens every day, theres nothing when i wipe, just in my underwear throughout the day.
hope this helps :hug:
I have it too, well I had for a couple of weeks then had scan, then it went away but came back yeaterday and this morning, funny I was really anxious the last time but not this time, Doc said at the scan it was prob from the neck of the womb and nothing to do with baby???
Thanks, that's reassuring :) Doc said the same to me but it's still worrying when it continues isn't it....did they test you for infections (Bacterial Vaginosis etc)? Cos they tested me but I never got the results, may call them to double check as it can cause bleeding early and problems later on if not treated

well i havent been tested yet.
i saw my midwife on 6th june but she said i was too early to take any tests, so im back on 4th july for all my tests and then my dating scan is o 17th july xx
Ok, well I expect as usual I'm worrying about nothing and we'll all be fine - I must be due around the same date as you Kim! (7th Feb) xx
ooo how exciting... just want my dating scan to hurry up!!!!!!!!! :wall:
They didnt test me for anything, I dont have a midwife or the option of one, I just go to the hosp on Monday and get scan, bloods etc, might ask them about that infection just in case. Everything is a worry at this stage I think, Im really hoping I enjoy tri2 more.
Me too, I can't wait to get to the magical 12 weeks! Hormones are all over the place but friends keep telling me it will get better

It's so nice to chat to people on here in the same situ though xxx
I had some spotting at 7 weeks and then again at 8 weeks with clotts. I had a scan both times and everything was fine. I had a swab taken to check for infection, and the results were clear. The doctor also checked to see if my cervix was closed but couldn't get a good enough view as there were too many clotts in the way.

Everthing has been fine since then, but I can still remember how scared I was, and how often I went to the toilet just to check as I couldn't relax. I was given no explanation.

I am still worried that It will start up again, and I'm still at the toilet constantly checking. xx
Do any of you girlies know your blood group?

I had a pale pink discharge when I was 16 weeks and the first question my EPU asked was "What blood group are you?" If you are resus negative you may need the anti-d injections to regulate things. It's one of the most common causes of regular spotting/bleeding in pregnancy.

Check with your GP's see if they know your blood group!

I am O+.

I never knew that could be one of the reasons for spotting. Interesting!!! xxx
Hi Lainey - I'm Rhesus negative, they never mentioned this to me but I'll be seeing my GP next week so will be sure to add it to my list og questions! I had an anti-D after my last (ectopic) pregnancy though so I should be covered?
mandspice said:
Hi Lainey - I'm Rhesus negative, they never mentioned this to me but I'll be seeing my GP next week so will be sure to add it to my list og questions! I had an anti-D after my last (ectopic) pregnancy though so I should be covered?

Hi Luv,
You should be getting your anti-body levels checked. I have one pal who needed weekly anti-d's throughout her pregnancy as her levels were sky-high.

It's different in every case, so make it one of your priority questions at your appointment!


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